Summons for Half-Yearly Communication on the 6th December 2014     Pdf click and download to your computer or print Half-Yearly Communication – 6 Dec 2014 – Summons       District Grand Lodge of Bombay Half-Yearly Communication on Saturday 6 December 2014 at Jabalpur   REGISTRATION FORM : Registration Form for HYC 2014 Jabalpur  

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The United Grand Lodge of England has released its latest short film to convey to people outside of the Craft exactly what Freemasonry is all about. Reported in ‘Freemasonry Today‘ as a film very different from anything else seen on Freemasonry before. Lee Cheney’s (a visual communication specialist)  brief was to demonstrate Freemasonry’s compatibility with a modern, balanced lifestyle – one that prioritises family and work over lodge meetings. To read more about the making of the ...

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Officers of the District Grand Lodge and Supreme Grand Chapter of Bombay have been honoured at the recent Annual Investitures of the United Grand Lodge and Supreme Grand Chapter of England. At the Investiture Meeting of United Grand Lodge held on 30th April 2014, W. Bro. Suresh Dixit, Assistant District Grand Master and W. Bro. Michael Holland, President, District Board of General Purposes, both received their first appointments to Grand Rank from the Grand Master, HRH ...

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  In 2013 Lodge Burnett No. 3824 supported two eye and vision related charities in Pune. For details of the Charities and the support provided click on the links below.   Amended – DETAILS OF CHARITABLE PROJECTS OF LODGE BURNETT NO 3284 EC (2)  Eye operated childrens list with photos   The RW DGM at PBMA’s H V Desai Eye Hospital on 21.09.2013   The RW DGM at NAMV on 21.09.2013   NAMV Rahul-Teaching-Computer     NAMV Meera-Counciling-10th-Students   NAMV Basav-Teaching                 Dimple Rawat selected in UCO Bank Rahul Kawade selected in Bank ...

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When W. Bro. Michael Holland first made contact with The Marine Lodge No. 232 in November last year, it was to seek their Secretary’s assistance to provide him with a copy of the Summons and the Minutes of their Lodge meeting held on 10th December 1962, when the Lodge was still meeting in Calcutta and W.Bro. Tom Wise, a member of our District was Initiated. As per a previous news article on this site, W.Bro. ...

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On 1st March 2014, The District Grand Chapter and District Grand Lodge of Bombay held their Annual Convocation/Communication at Freemason’s Hall, Fort, Mumbai. Most Excellent The Grand Superintendent / RW District Grand Master, Percy J. Driver presided and welcomed Deputations from the District Grand Chapters and Lodges of Bengal, Madras and Eastern Archipelago of the English Constitution as well as delegations from the Irish, Scottish and Indian Constitutions. In addition to the Annual Chapter and Craft ...

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On 19th December Research Lodge hosted WBro. Sean Jordan Past Prov. Grand Steward and Past Master of Royal Gloucester Lodge No 130 in the Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. This was W.Bro. Jordan’s first visit to India but two years earlier he had contacted W. Bro. Narendra Porwal PAGDC with regards to “researching” some information about the late W.Bro. F.W. Thornback, who was a Past Master of Research Lodge No. 3184. The reason for ...

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The District Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Percy J. Driver recently led a Deputation to the Installation Meetings of Corinth Lodge No. 1122 in Nagpur and Heart of India Lodge No. 3760 in Bilaspur. Whilst in Nagpur, R.W. Bro. Driver accompanied by other District Grand Officers and members of Corinth Lodge visited Vishwambher Shikshan Santhsa;  a shelter helping to educate mentally challenged girls. The girls are also protected from being exposed to potential abuse and exploitation.   During ...

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March 1st 2014 – On-Line Registration These links are PDFs’ and are downloadable to your computer where you will be able to save or print the Summons. Annual Communication 01 March 2014 – Summons Annual Convocation 01 March 2014 – Summons District Grand Lodge of Bombay is pleased to announce the facility of on-line registration and payment for the forthcoming District Annual Communication and Convocation on Saturday, 1st March. This is in addition to the traditional route of paper-based registration and ...

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  On 11th December, the Assistant Grand Master, RWBro. David Kenneth Williamson presided over the Quarterly Communication of United Grand Lodge for the first time. As he will retire as AGM in March, this was a unique occasion and the following message was sent to RWBro. Williamson on behalf of the District Grand Lodge of Bombay.   “@UGLE_DKW Sir, on behalf of DGM and the DGL of Bombay we congratulate you on presiding over UGLE this week and send our ...

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