CTCHIP - Connecticut Child Identification Program

chipbannerVisit our CTCHIP website at www.ctchip.org

CTCHIP is the most comprehensive child recovery and identification program in the nation. It utilizes a defined “Masonic Method” that is being adopted by Grand Lodges across  North America. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has declared MASONIC CHIP to be the most comprehensive program of its kind in the nation.  The packages generated at CTCHIP EVENTS contain vital components to aid law enforcement agencies in recovery and identification of missing children. Over 797,500 children were reported missing in the United States in 1999. Of those children, 58,200 were abducted by non-family members and 203,900 children were the victims of family abductions.

Since the migration of MASONIC CHIP  from Massachusetts to Connecticut in January of 2003, Connecticut Freemasons have invested more than $100,000 and over 20,000 volunteer hours to hold over 100 events, and have created 15,000 identification kits for the parents of Connecticut children. We modeled our program from the Massachusetts Freemasons who have identified over 190,000 children since 1998. We continue to fine tune the tools, management skills and volunteer network necessary to improve and expand CTCHIP.


DVD : A CTCHIP interview captures the appearance, speech and mannerisms of a child and is the cornerstone of CTCHIP. It can be quickly distributed via the news media to reach a huge audience. The DVD also contains a Color Photo. Amber Alert is in operation in Connecticut.  Police can circulate the photo to media throughout the state within two hours of abduction.

Fingerprints: Fingerprints are a well-known tool for identification.  Everyone’s prints are unique. Resourceful parents keep fingerprints available should the need arise .

Toothprints®: Toothprints®, a unique dental impression, provides a detailed three dimensional image along with sufficient DNA for identification.  Saliva also provides an exclusive scent that a tracking dog can use to find lost children. A cheek swab is also used to collect DNA

Visit our website  www.ctchip.org for more detailed information. Volunteer to help with an event in our area by clicking on the “Calendar” tab , finding an event and calling the “Contact” for that event. You will be able to learn the ropes by the time you have helped with your second child.  Many volunteers are required run an event.  Masons and non-Masons are welcome to volunteer and many hands make light work. We can always use a few extra brothers to man a publicity table, “Just Mention Masonry” and explain our fraternity to the passers-by.  It really makes for an enjoyable day. Try it you will love it.

Looking for a CTCHIP Event?

Looking to take your child to a CTCHIP event? Click the button to be taken to their calendar of events.