Officers of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut 2008-2009

(Middle row, from left): RW Brothers Donald W. Dean (Grand Senior Steward); Thomas M. Maxwell II (Grand Marshal); Gary W. Arseneau (Grand Senior Deacon); Simon R. LaPlace (Grand Junior Deacon); Michael B. Dodge (Grand Junior Steward); William F. Lott (Deputy Grand Treasurer).
(Back row, from left): RW Brothers Gary A. Littlefield (Grand Historian); Martin L. Rudnick (Grand Lecturer); Carl H. Anderson (Grand Organist); Richard C. Memmott Sr. (Grand Tiler); Robert L. Jess (Associate Grand Tiler); Joseph F. Massa (Associate Grand Tiler).
The Officers of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut for 2008 - 2009 are:
Grand Master
Robert J. Stika
Deputy Grand Master
Arthur H. Carlstrom
Grand Senior Warden
Charles A. Buck Jr
Grand Junior Warden
James T. McWain
Grand Treasurer
Charles C. Maxson
Grand Secretary
Robert G.Fitzgerald
Grand Senior Deacon
Gary W. Arseneau
Grand Junior Deacon
Simon R. LaPlace
Grand Marshal
Thomas M. Maxwell II
Grand Senior Steward
Donald W. Dean
Grand Junior Steward
Michael B. Dodge
Grand Secretary Emeritus
Wallace E. Boice
Grand Chaplain
Robert O. Decker
Grand Historian
Gary A. Littlefield
Grand Organist
Carl H. Anderson
Grand Tiler
Richard C. Memmott Sr
Associate Grand Tiler
Joseph F. Massa
Associate Grand Tiler
Robert L. Jess
Deputy Grand Treasurer
William F. Lott
Deputy Grand Secretary
Anderson H. Zeidler Jr.
Grand Lecturer
Martin L. Rudnick
Grand Trustee (2007)
Charles W. Yohe
Grand Trustee (2008)
Stanley S. Sheldon Jr.
Grand Trustee (2009)
Kenneth B. Hawkins Sr.