MW Charles W. Yohe Installation Speech

Brethren All, Ladies and Friends:

God truly works in mysterious ways.  Two years ago, I along with many others, had serious concerns about the direction our beloved Fraternity in Connecticut was being led.  I was discouraged to the point where I seriously considered leaving it, but I was encouraged by numerous friends and Brothers to persevere, and here I stand today on this historic occasion.  Now I know there are still Brothers out there who are spreading rumor and innuendo, especially about me and Most Worshipful Brother Gail N. Smith.  There even was a rumor that I would not be installed today.  As you can see, that rumor, like the others you may hear, was false.  So I say to those who are still upset and continue to work against peace and harmony in our Craft, please stop it and let's work together to make Masonry better.

I am truly humbled by everything that has happened to me in Masonry, from being honored by being accepted into this Fraternity forty one years ago, to being entrusted numerous times to lead four different constituent Lodges, to being elected and installed Grand Master of Masons in Connecticut, not once, but now two different times.  I have many people to thank: Worshipful Brother Mark Cohn, who is a dear friend and was my recommender; all the Brothers who served as mentors throughout the years; all those who have supported my efforts in this Grand Lodge; Most Worshipful Brother Dick Hodgson, who is not only a dear friend and Brother, but who is like a father to me; Most Worshipful Brother Norman Getchell, who first recommended me to the Grand Line back in 1989 and who assisted with the installation ceremony today; Most Worshipful Brother Roger Read, who is also a very special friend and Brother; my wife of 38 plus years, Barbara, who has always been supportive of my Masonic endeavors; Most Worshipful Brother Thomas M. Maxwell II, who kept the faith and began the healing process in this Grand Jurisdiction, and to you, the Brothers of Connecticut who asked me if I would be willing to serve and subsequently elected me to this office once again.

There is much work to be done, and I cannot promise you that we will accomplish everything that we have set out to do this year.  However, I will promise you that I will work tirelessly, honestly, and openly with you for this next twelve months to leave this Grand Lodge better and stronger.  I truly believe that if each of us reflects back on the obligation that we each took while kneeling at that altar, and we do our absolute best to live up to that obligation, we can and will stop the decline in membership and make this Fraternity a beacon whose light will shine and positively affect the world as a force for good.  The new position of Grand Almoner is an important step in that direction.  You will be hearing much more about that very shortly.  It will take effort and determination on the part of each and every one of us.  My theme this year is "Masonic Renewal, I hold the Key," and I sincerely believe that each of us does hold that key - in what we do, what we say, and how we act. To paraphrase President John F. Kennedy, I say to each of you, "Ask not what Freemasonry can do for you, rather ask what you can do for Freemasonry." 

In closing, I want to offer my sincerest appreciation and deepest "thanks" to each of you for what you are going to do this year in support of moving this Grand Lodge forward.  Remember, it is you who are the Grand Lodge and your Grand Master and other Grand Lodge officers are here primarily to support you and guide you.  Thank you, one and all.



Charles W. Yohe

Most Worshipful Grand Master