M.W. Charles A. Buck, Jr. Biography 2010

Buck_MWGM_2010_webGrand Master Charles A. Buck, Jr. was born in New Haven, on August 14, 1955. He grew up in Milford, and graduated Milford High School. He attended Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture, thereafter commencing his career in the family ice cream manufacturing business. Charlie succeeded his father as president of the company in 1978, and his son, Brother Chris Buck, is the next in line, and the next in the family to be Master of Ansantawae Lodge No. 89, Milford. Charlie and Chris are well decorated for their service to The Order of DeMolay. Charlie joined Milford Chapter in 1969. His activities in his chapter, as well as his leadership and advisory abilities earned him the DeMolay Legion of Honor.

In 1975, Charlie married his high school sweetheart, Kandice Ann Salzman (please call her Kandi!). They have three children, Charles A., III, Christopher J. M., and Sarah Frances.

It was natural for Charlie to join Ansantawae Lodge No. 89. MW Charlie took his degrees in quick succession, his EA on October 1, 1976; his FC on October 8, 1976; and his MM, raised by his father, on October 29, 1976. And yes, he did learn his lectures. A superb ritualist, his progress was such that his father was privileged to seat him in the Oriental Chair in 1985.

During Charlie’s year in the East, Ansantawae Lodge’s 125th year anniversary history was published. He presented the dozen brothers he raised with a copy, and it became a popular item to own.

Charlie has been involved in several Grand Lodge committees, and has always been an active participant in the Fourth District Blue Lodge Council. He served as RW District Deputy for Masonic District 4-B. After his tour, he was a natural candidate to go into the Grand Lodge line. On April 12, 2010, he was installed our 164th Most Worshipful Grand Master. His expertise and popularity allowed for Hejaz Grotto No. 42, MOVPER to host his being made a Prophet-at-Sight. Charlie had affiliated with Olive Branch Lodge No. 84 while he was moving up the line in Ansantawae Lodge. Later this lodge merged with Hiram Lodge No. 1, which explains why you occasionally see Brother Buck wearing his apron in the inside of his coat! He is also an Associate Member of the Masonic Lodge of Research.

Companion Charlie was exalted in Milford Chapter No. 49, RAM, and greeted in Adam Sattig Council No. 35, R&SM. He was knighted in Hamilton Commandery No. 5, KT, in 1987. A skilled ritual participant in the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite in the Valley of New Haven and Lafayette Consistory, Illustrious Brother Buck was coronated a 33° Honorary Member of the Supreme Council for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction in 2005. MW Charlie is very proud of that great honor.

Regarding issues facing our craft today, Charlie noted how honored he feels to have had the chance to have been chosen a District Deputy. He said, “Once I was asked to consider the Grand Lodge line, I  looked forward to the challenge. “We’re more open about what we do, and who we are. Youth is a big key. We’re definitely getting younger, but we need to be prepared to meet the challenge of the ‘profane’ knowing as much as we do, and  wanting more,” he added.

Asked what he perceives as the greatest need of the fraternity today, he replied, “We are everywhere, today. We’re in books, on movies, and all over the Internet. We need to be prepared to meet the needs of those who seek us out, and answer those who question us. It’s a new age. We can’t hide under a bushel, anymore. We can’t afford to be idle in a cyberspace age,” he concluded.