M.W. Lyman Law 1821-1822

Lyman Law

For its sixth Grand Master the Grand Lodge turned toward an eminent citizen of the southeastern part of the state. Lyman Law, the son of the eminent lawyer and statesman, Richard Law, was born in New London, August 19, 1770. After graduating from Yale in 1791 he prepared himself for the law in his father's office. Politics early attracted him and we find him, after serving as Speaker of the lower house of the General Assembly of Connecticut, honored with the election as Representative at Washington by the Federalist Party for the years 1811 to 1817.

In 1794 he became a member of Wooster Lodge, No. 10, of Colchester, but when Union Lodge was started in his own town, May 20, 1795, he enrolled as a Charter Member and was appointed Steward. From that station he progressed until he became Master in 1800. For eleven years, with two intervals, he held that position. His name appears June 9, 1801, as among the first Knighted in Washington Commandery, No.1, when it met in Colchester. Brother Law was at the head of the Grand Chapter from 1817 to 1822 and of the Grand Council in 1819.

After serving his apprenticeship as Deputy Grand Master in the years 1819 and 1820, he was elected Grand Master May 9, 1821, and served until May 14, 1823. He was in part responsible for the incorporation of the Grand Lodge which occurred during his term. One of the periodic attempts to establish a Supreme or National Grand Lodge occurred during his period. Connecticut was favorable enough to send delegates, but nothing came of it.

After a useful and active public and Masonic life he died February 3, 1842.