M.W. Dyer T. Brainard 1838-1841

Dyer T. Brainard

One of the strongest faces looking at us from the group of Past Grand Masters is that of Dyer T. Brainard. This eminent member of our fraternity was born in New London June 10, 1790. He graduated from Yale College in 1810 with the degree of B.A. and soon started studying medicine, first with Dr. James Lee and later with Dr. Richard Mercer. The examining committee admitted him to practice in 1813 and shortly after he was s-iven the degree of M.D. by his Alma Mater. As surgeon of the Third Brigade he held the position for several years. He was a member of the New London County Medical Society from 1845 until his death, reading many papers before that and other medical bodies. The New London Bank kept him on its Board of Directors from 1846. He was also known as a botanist and chemist of no mean ability.

Union Lodge No. 31 raised him December 28, 1818, and in 1825 chose him Master from the floor. This office he also held in 1826, 1828, 1840 and 1841. These last two years were while he was also Grand Master. Starting in as Grand Junior Warden in 1833 he progressed until he reached the Grand East in 1838. For four years he guided the destinies of the Craft in Connecticut. In 1842 he declined reelection by letter.

After his death February 6, 1863, the Grand Lodge passed resolutions to the effect that the period when he held the highest office was "in the midst of the unprincipled anti-Masonic tornado which swept over our fair domain and which had it not been for the firmness of our main pillars would have uprooted our fair temple." Brainard Lodge No. 102 in New London was named in his honor.