M.W. Avery Cook Babcock 1848-1849

Avery Cook Babcock

Reverting to New Haven the Grand Lodge now chose a member of Hiram Lodge No. 1. Avery C. Babcock was born December 8, 1802 in Danbury. His death occurred in Brooklyn, N. Y., March 14, 1861, of dropsy of the chest. The Lodges of New Haven honored him with a Masonic funeral.

His career outside of the Fraternity is also unknown to us at this date except that he was associated in the clothing business with the firm of Chatterton and Babcock.

Starting his Masonry in Adelphi Lodge No. 63, July 14, 1824, as an Entered Apprentice, he affiliated with Hiram Lodge December 3, 1835, and became its Master in 1841 and 1842. Attending Grand Lodge he was chosen Grand Senior Deacon in 1838. Eventually he honored the Grand East with his presence, from May, 1848, to May, 1850.

A Past Grand Master says of him that he was "ever faithful, efficient, and conscientious in the discharge of the duties which devolved upon him."