M.W. Theodore Spencer, Jr.1855

Theodore Spencer, Jr.

All our Grand Masters have not been lawyers. The next, Theodore Spencer, was a tailor. Born in Hartford around 1804, he entered Masonry about as early as possible. St. John's Lodge, No.4, conferred the degrees upon him August 24, September 21 and October 4, of 1825.

He was chosen Master January 1, 1845, which office he filled t() his own honor and the credit of the fraternity for two years. In the Grand Lodge he was appointed a Grand Steward in May, 1848. Seven years later, May 9, 1855, he became our twenty-second Grand Master. In the Grand Chapter he reached the position of Deputy Grand High Priest in 1850.

The office of Illustrious Principal Conductor of the Work was held by Brother Spencer in the Grand Council of 1845. On May 9, 1866, he passed to the Great Beyond at the age of sixty-two.