M.W. William Lyman Brewer 1856-1857

William Lyman Brewer

On the seventeenth day of October, 1813, a son was born to William and Harriet Lyman Brewer of Norwich and named William Lyman. This son was educated in the local schools and Bristol College in Pennsylvania. He studied law and was admitted to the Ne"\v London County Bar in 1846. Entering into the civic activities of Norwich he became Mayor in 1855 for one term. Later in life he became Clerk of the Superior Court of the county and continued as such until he removed to California because of his health. His death occurred there August 8, 1886.

Somerset Lodge, No. 34, conferred on him the Master Mason degree September, 1846. Almost immediately he started in office as Junior Warden, becoming Master in 1849. This office he held two years. Exalted in Franklin Chapter, No.4, R. A. M., before May, 1847, he served as High Priest in 1851. From membership in Franklin Council, No.3, R. & S. M., he became M. P. Grand Master of Grand Council in 1857. Starting in Columbian Commandery, No. 4, K. T., he became Grand Commander in 1863.

Attending the Grand Lodge in Hartford in May, 1851, as representative of his lodge and apparently for the first time, he was elected Grand Junior Deacon. In May, 1856, and in May, 1857, he was honored by his brethren with the Grand East. His Address in 1857 was brief but contained the statement that the charter and records of the famous 'American Union Lodge (in manuscript), were then in the Grand Lodge Archives. How did they depart?

His picture in the Grand Lodge office is a copy of one in the City Hall of Norwich among the early Mayors and is pronounced an excellent likeness. Those who remember him toward the close of his life describe him as a very kindly approachable gentleman who enjoyed associating with the younger generation, especially children.