M.W. Howard B. Ensign 1860-1861
Howard B. Ensign
The youngest man to attain the high position of Grand Master was Howard B. Ensign who was only thirty-three at the time of his election. He was born in New Haven, December 18, 1826, where he resided for forty years. His father, Thomas, was a native of Hartford. Brother Ensign was educated in New Haven and married November 10, 1851, a daughter of Clark Wooster of Seymour. In 1868 he moved to Baltimore where he assumed the Presidency of the Maryland Steamboat Company. His death occurred in Philadelphia, November 17, 1891.
Although only raised in Hiram Lodge, No.1, on April 13, 1850, he was elected Master for the year 1852 and served two years. He was exalted in Franklin Chapter, No.2, May 15, 1851, and was High Priest in 1859. Harmony Council, No.8, received him May 2, 1851, and he headed the Grand Council in 1860. Knighted in New Haven Commandery, No.2, April 22, 1852, he was elected Eminent Commander for 1858 and 1859 and Grand Commander May 9. 1861. In the Grand Lodge he started in as Grand Junior Deacon and was elected Grand Master May 9, 1860, serving two years.
His administration was an eminently successful one, being distinguished by that peculiar pungency of character which when mingled with strict integrity and a fearless discharge of duty, so often wins our respect and admiration. It was due to him that a printed form of petition was used for the first time. Military lodges were in vogue during the Civil War. Brother Ensign allowed one to be tried by Connecticut soldiers but the experience was such that he steadfastly opposed others. His administration and character were such that he received and deserved the title "The Model Grand Master."