M.W. Dwight Phelps 1878
Dwight Phelps
Born in Norfolk September 3, 1834, Dwight Phelps received his education in the public school and the Norfolk Academy. Two winters were also spent at a private boarding school in West Avon. The study of medicine from the pharmacists' point of view soon engaged his attention and held it through life. He organized the Pharmaceutical Association of Connecticut and was its President in 1882.
Raised in St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 64, December 19, 1859, he progressed through the chairs and served as Master in 1868 and 1869. Exalted in Meridian Chapter, No. 15, he became its High Priest in 1869. Receiving the Cryptic degrees in Springfield Council in 1864 he became a charter member of Tyrian Council, No. 31, in 1868 and its Thrice Illustrious Master from 1870-1878. He was Knighted in Clark Commandery in 1870 and in 1882 received the Scottish Rite degrees, including the Consistory.
Appointed Grand Junior Deacon in 1871 he became Grand Master in 1878. He was also honored as Grand High Priest in 1880 and Grand Master of the Grand Council in 1877.
By nature not aggressive, his convictions when once formed were firmly on the side of right and justice. He was a constant attendant at Grand Lodge and a zealous worker, ever willing to perform any duty entrusted to him.
His death occurred at his home in West Winsted September 6, 1899. His picture appears in the Proceedings of 1900.