M.W. Dwight Waugh 1884-1885

Dwight Waugh

Brother Waugh was born in Morris, January 20, 1831. His early education was in the district schools of his town, and his later at the Gunnery School in Washington, Conn. Teaching school for a short time after graduation he soon started his career with the Stamford Manufacturing Company. Here he remained until within a few years of his death which occurred February 20, 1908.

He was raised in Union Lodge, No.5, February 1, 1860. His first office was Senior Warden and the next year he became Master. This office he filled in 1866, 1867 and 1872 through 1874. Exalted in Rittenhouse Chapter, No. 11, August 18, 1864, he was High Priest for thirteen years and was Grand High Priest in 1882. Receiving the degrees in Washington Council, No. 17, R. & S. M., he became a Charter Member of Washington Council, No.6, May 5, 1865. Of this he was Thrice Illustrious Master for many years. The Grand Council chose him as Most Puissant Grand Master in 1879. Knighted in Clinton Commandery, No. 3, K. T., March 3, 1865, he was Eminent Commander in 1880. He held membership in the Scottish Rite bodies, Consistory and the Shrine. .

Starting in the Grand Lodge as Grand Senior Steward in 1876 he became Grand Master in 1884 and 1885.

His life was one of active service, ever genial and companionable. In all the positions he held he fulfilled the duties with ability and intelligence and gained the universal approval of his brethren and companions.

His picture appears in the Proceedings of 1887 and 1909