M.W. John W. Mix 1888
John W. Mix
Another of our brethren who attained the Grand East at an early age was John W. Mix. Born in Cheshire March 31, 1850, he succeeded to his father's business, the manufacture of hardware. In 1888 he became connected with G. I. Mix & Co. of Yalesville and remained with this firm until his death.
Shortly after becoming of age, he was raised in Temple Lodge, No. 16, May 20, 1871. For the remainder of that year he acted as secretary and during the year 1872 was senior deacon. By special dispensation from the Grand Master, he was Worshipful Master the next year, never having served as Warden. Again in 1874, 1882 and 1883 he was chosen to sit in the East by his brethren. He was exalted in Eureka Chapter, No. 22, June 12, 1872, and Knighted in St. Elmo Commandery, No.9, June 12, 1889.
Starting as was usual as Grand Junior Deacon of the Grand Lodge in 1881 he became Grand Ma5ter in 1888. During his term of office he gave a faithful and intelligent direction to the affairs of the Grand Lodge.
Brother Mix was a modest, unassuming man, not demonstrative in voice or manner. He had a uniform and pleasant temperament, was genial and a good conversationalist. Ever active in public and social life and filling many important positions in the State and in Masonry, it came with a shock to his friends to learn of his death. He was struck by a train and killed October 11, IG02, when but 52 years of age. .
His picture appears in the Proceedings of 1889 and 1903.