M.W. Samuel Bassett 1893

Samuel Bassett

New York City gave the Grand Lodge of Connecticut its next Grand Master. There Samuel Bassett was born September 24, 1841. He was employed with the New York Central Railroad when war broke out, and immediately enlisted in the Sixth New York Heavy Artillery attaining the rank of Lieutenant.

Coming to New Britain in 1872 he filled a number of political offices including that of Postmaster. In 1900 he was chosen Mayor and was twice re-elected. He was also a popular officer of the Putnam Phalanx.

Centennial Lodge, No. 118, raised him February 27, 1879, and submitted to him as Master in 1885 and 1895. Brother Bassett was honored with the offices of High Priest of Giddings Chapter, No. 25, R. A. M., in 1884 and Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter, R. A. M., in 1893, Thrice Illustrious Master of Doric Council, No. 24, R. & S. M., in 1886 and 1887 and Grand Master of the Grand Council, R. & S. M., in 1889. He was knighted in Washington Commandery, No.1, K. T., on November 21, 1887. After serving as District Deputy in 1887 and 1888 he was honored with the Grand Senior Steward's' chair in 1889. His passage to Grand Master in 1893 was rapid.

When he passed Beyond the River August 14, 1911, Grand Master Chapman said of him: "And so passes a brother who was everybody's friend, having completed the allotment of three score years and ten, crowned with the love of all who knew him. He was a man of great kindness of heart, generous and indulgent."

The commitment was by the Grand Lodge, M. W. Weston G. Granniss officiating.

His picture appears in the Proceedings of 1894 and 1912.