M.W. Randolph Butler Chapman 1911

Randolph Butler Chapman

In Ellington, Connecticut, was born on November 16, 1848, Randolph B. Chapman. On his thirty-ninth birthday, November 16, 1887, he was initiated in Harmony Lodge No. 42, of Waterbury. Moving west immediately thereafter he received his other degrees in Covert Lodge No. 11 of Omaha, Nebraska, being raised May 9, 1888. He demitted to that Lodge while in Omaha. In 1893 he returned to Waterbury where he became connected with the Ralph N. Blakeslee Trucking Co. Harmony Lodge received him as an affiliate October 6, 1898 and in 1901 he served this Lodge as Master.

Although he did not belong to the Chapter, Councilor Commandery he had received part of his Scottish Rite Degrees in  Nebraska and the remainder in Connecticut being a member of Lafayette Consistory.

He served as District Deputy in 1902 and was appointed Grand Steward in 1903. His year of office in the Grand East was 1911. His health becoming impaired he removed soon to Madison and in 1915 to New Haven where he died July 13, 1919.

Most Worshipful Brother Moyle says of him that he "was always the same, uncomplaining, kindly and gentle. Those who knew him well were privileged. To those who barely touched the placid river of his life will come a sweet, even if faint, remembrance of a good and perfect gentleman and upright Mason.

A picture of Most Worshipful Brother Chapman can be found in the Proceedings of 1920.