M.W. John Oliver Rowland 1900
John Oliver Rowland
This well-known and dearly loved Brother who for many years was the Dean of our Past Grand Masters, was born January 31, 1844, in New Durham, New York, in a log cabin. His public school education was received in North Haven. .
Although familiar with the life of a farmer his principal occupation was the culture and marketing of the oyster. His first experience with the business was during the winter months in Baltimore, returning to New Haven for summer employment on the horse-drawn street car. After a short experience in a grocery store, he again turned to the oyster business and was associated with H. C. Rowe & Co., in Fair Haven, until appointed Superintendent of the Masonic Home in 1900.
When Brother Rowland became Superintendent he was in the midst of his year as Grand Master. He found there fifty-seven beneficiaries, including four boys. The assistants required numbered about ten. When he resigned there were fifty-five men, eighty-four women and no minors. His early experience in farm life stood him in good stead. To him it was a pleasure to break in steers to the yoke and when a heifer calf developed into a valuable milking cow like "Alice Roosevelt," his satisfaction was unbounded. The farm was really the creation of Superintendent Rowland, but he laid up his crown of rejoicing in the hearts of the aged and infirm Brothers and Sisters for whose welfare he took such loving care.
His first wife was Miss Nancy Russell of East Haven whom he married in 1866 and who died in 1916. After resigning from the Superintendency he married again and removed to Green Cove Springs, Florida. There he devoted himself to several interests until the death of Mrs. Rowland, financial reverses and failing health, compelled him to return to Connecticut and the Masonic Home.
Masonically he served in many ways in addition to his twenty-two years in our Home as Superintendent. Raised in Adelphi Lodge No. 63 on March 30, 1863, he was at his death October 5, 1942, the oldest Mason in years of membership in Connecticut and the holder of the Veterans' Medal. We list his other Masonic affiliations and honors:
Exalted in Pulaski Chapter, R. A. M., May 30, 1866.
Greeted in Crawford Council, R. & S. M., September 22, 1868.
Knighted in New Haven Commandery, K. T., May 11, 1894.
Scottish Rite Degrees 'in 1903.' .
A member of Pyramid Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.
Mizpah Cqapter No. 37, O. E. S .. and various Masonic Clubs in New Haven.
Worshipful Master of Adelphi Lodge, No. 63, 1879. Grand Master 1900.
High Priest of Pulaski Chapter in 1875 and 1876.
Grand High Priest of Grand Chapter, R. A. M., 1889.
Thric~ Illustrious Master of Crawford Council, 1874 and 1875. Most Puissant Grand Master of Grand Council, R. & S. M., 1880. President of Past'Masters' Association of New Haven County .. Organizer of Past Masters' Association. of Hartford County. Treasurer of his Chapter and Council for many years.
The regard in which he was held by his many friends and fellow members is evidenced by the numerous offices with which he was entrusted and the widespread 'expressions of sympathy when he answered the last roll-call. He was long a servant of Masonry in Connecticut and we are thankful for the God-given virtues expressed in his life. Let us trust him to the Grand Master of the Universe whose precepts our Brother consistently tried to follow.