M.W. Fred A Yer Verplanck 1910

Fred A Yer Verplanck

He was born in Brooklyn, New York on February 9, 1860 and in his infancy his parents moved to Franklin, Connecticut. His early education was received in a one room rural school in Franklin, Natchaug High School in Willimantic, and Norwich Free Academy in Norwich, Connecticut. He was graduated from Yale University in 1888 with a B.A. Degree. He also attended several summer schools, Clark University and New York University. He spent fifty-three years in educational work, of which forty-two years were spent in Manchester, Connecticut. His teaching experience carries him from a one room rural school in Franklin through private schools, high schools, Bacon Academy and State Normal Schools, to principals of high schools and, finally, Superintendent of Schools. He was a recognized leader and one of the most active members in the educational field.

On August 27, 1890, he was married to Sarah Annie Noyes and to them two sons were born, Van Noyes and Philip Bronck. One son survives him, Philip Bronck.

He was also a leader in the civic activities of Manchester, being a trustee of the Manchester Memorial Hospital. He served as secretary of the board for twenty-four years. He was also elected a director of the Savings Bank of Manchester in 1923.

His Masonic Record is probably one without parallel in the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Connecticut. He was raised in Manchester Lodge No. 73, A.F. & A.M. on May 12, 1894, elected to serve as Junior Warden in 1895 and 1896, Senior Warden in 1897 and 1898 and Master in 1899 and 1900. He also served as District Deputy of the Sixth Masonic District while he was Master in 1900. In 1895 as Junior Warden of Manchester Lodge, he became a member of the Grand Lodge and from that time until his death he was a member of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Connecticut, a period of sixty-two years. His years of service in the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge:

1902 Grand Junior Steward    
1903 Grand Senior Steward
1904 Grand Marshal
1905 Grand Junior Deacon    
1906 Grand Senior Deacon
1907 Grand Junior Warden
1908 Grand Senior Warden
1909 Deputy Grand Master
1910 Grand Master

In 1916 he was appointed Representative of the Grand Lodge of New Zealand near the Grand Lodge of Connecticut; and in 1929 Representative to the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts near the Grand Lodge of Connecticut. This was the first time these Grand Lodges had exchanged Representatives. This position he held until his death.

He served as trustee of Manchester Lodge No. 73 since 1910.

It was a great pleasure to him to raise both of his sons in Manchester Lodge - Van Noyes Verplanck and Philip Bronck Verplanck.

In 1913 he was elected a member of the Board of Managers of The Masonic Charity Foundation, an office he held as long as he lived. From 1919 until 1926 he served as President of the Board. It was during these years the original wooden buildings were removed and the present brick fire-proof buildings were erected.

In 1925 The Past Grand Masters' Association was formed and he was elected its first president, an office he held until the time of his death.

He was Dean of the Past Masters of Manchester Lodge, of Past Grand Masters, and Member of the Board of Managers of the Masonic Charity Foundation. He was a Past Patron of Temple Chapter No. 53, O.E.S. of Manchester.

In 1928 he served as Grand Sentinel of the Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star; in 1929 was Associate Grand Patron and in 1930 was Grand Patron.

He was Venerable Master of the Veterans Association in 1936.

October 14, 1939, at a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge, he was awarded the Pierpont Edwards Medal for Distinguished Masonic Service and in July 1949, at the Past Grand Masters' Association, he was presented the Pierpont Edwards Medal in Silver for Eminent Masonic Service, the highest award the Grand Lodge could give. At the time of his death he was a member of the following Masonic bodies:

Manchester Lodge No. 73, A.F. & A.M.    
Delta Chapter No. 51, R.A.M.
Wolcott Council No.1, R. & S.M.    
Washington Commandery No.1, K.T.
Syria Grotto, M.O.V.P.E.R.
Tall Cedars of Lebanon
Temple Chapter No. 53
O.E.S. Chapman Court No. 10, O. of A.

He had belonged to several other Masonic Bodies but had demitted.

His sincerity and whole hearted devotion to The Masonic Charity Foundation and to Masonry in particular, will long remain a cherished memory to the brethren whose privilege it was to know him. He ever sought to impress the younger generation who came under his influence with the sincere teachings of Masonry, and the effect it could have upon its members. Masonry has lost a great supporter and a stalwart Mason; and his tremendous contribution of thought• and time to Masonry and The Masonic Charity Foundation will be sorely missed by a host of friends and associates. It may be justly said that Most Worshipful Fred Ayer Verplanck lived a long and full Masonic life.

A Memorial Service was held at 2:00 P.M., November 13, 1957, in the Center Congregational Church of Manchester and was conducted by the Rev. C. O. Simpson, the Pastor. The church was filled with his many associates from educational, civic, and Masonic affiliations. Interment was in the East Cemetery, Manchester, where members of the Grand Lodge conducted Masonic Services.