M.W. Leonard Jones Nickerson 1917

Leonard Jones Nickerson
Born December 21, 1857, at West Cornwall
Died, February 11, 1937

Leonard Jones Nickerson was born in the house on the hillside where he died, a descendant on his father's side from William Nickerson, who came to America in 1632, and on his mother's side from William Bradford, Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony.

He was educated in the public schools of Cornwall and attended Algers Institute in that town. As was frequently the custom of the day, he prepared himself for the law by enrolling as: a student in the office of an old Litchfield County practitioner, A. D. Warner. He was admitted to the Connecticut Bar in the year 1879. For more than 30 years he served the district as Probate Judge. For over a quarter of a century he served his community as Postmaster. He held many other public offices; noteworthy among them were Justice of Peace and Representative to State Legislature for the years 1883, 1921 and 1923. In 1923 he was chosen Speaker of the House. Since 1880 he was elected as delegate to State Conventions. For many years he served his home County of Litchfield as Public Defender. The reputation which he earned 'as an able counselor and active trial lawyer brought him state-wide recognition and influenced his appointment as Judge of the Superior Court bench in 1923. He retired five years later at the age of seventy. He thereupon became automatically State Referee and up to a few days prior to his death he was hearing cases referred to him in that capacity.

Chief Justice Maltbie, speaking in behalf of the Bar of the State, said, "Aside from his professional attainments he was always concerned with and active in public affairs, and his participation in them was characterized by the same qualities. He was one of the last of the old school of country attorneys, who, by the forcefulness of their characters, strongly influenced not only the administration of the law but public affairs, in the state at large as well as in their own neighboring communities."

Judge Nickerson married Miss Alice P. New, September 16, 1897. She died in 1909.

Judge Nickerson was raised in Hamilton Lodge, No. 54, July 21, 1893; served as Charter Master of Blazing Star Lodge, No. 74, from 1900 to 1906, was appointed District Deputy of the Second Masonic District in 1907 and 1908 and elected Grand Master in 1917, subsequently serving with outstanding distinction on various committees and appointments of the Grand Lodge. A member of the Board of Managers of the Masonic Home since 1921, his counsel and balanced judgment in the administrative affairs of the Home are a precedent which will command historic recognition. As was said of Solomon, King of Israel, as he ascended the throne, at the age of 21, he "exhibited in the decision of legal questions that wise judgment for which he was ever after distinguished." So may it be said of the Solomon of our day, Grand Master Leonard Jones Nickerson, endowed and blessed as he was with a wealth of good health, he developed his mind to generous proportions and leaves us an example of dynamic personality. His life was a symbol of the proverb that "A wise man will hear and will increase learning, and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsel." The Grand Lodge of Connecticut and all Masons may well pause and reflect on the passing of this great and good man.

"Stand firm and be strong,
Certain of tongue and pen-
For he was neither a God nor a child,
But a man in the world of men."