M.W. Henry Howe Green 1887

Henry Howe Green

The forty-third Grand Master was born in Brooklyn, Conn., August 4, 1840, tracing his ancestry to our illustrious Brother, General Nathaniel Green. His education was obtained at the Plainfield Academy after which he taught bookkeeping and mathematics in Scholfield's Commercial College in Providence. Leaving this work he followed the calling of a bookkeeper and during his last years he was manager of Quinebaug Brick Company. In civic life he was Chairman of the Board of Education of Brooklyn for twelve years and Assessor for ten. His inclination led him to the Episcopal Church and the Republican Party.

Brother Green was raised in Moriah Lodge, No. 15, March 7, 1866, and served as its Worshipful Master in 1874 and 1879. Warren Chapter, No. 12, R. A. M., saw him exalted October 21, 1873 and High Priest in 1880. In Montgomery Council, No.2, R. & S. M., he received his Cryptic degrees March 7, 1875, serving as Thrice Illustrious Master from 1882 to 1891. He was Knighted in Columbian Commandery, No.4, K. T., in 1875.

Starting in the Grand Lodge as Grand Marshal in 1880, he was regularly advanced until, on January 21, 1886, he was elected Grand Master, which office he held two years. His term of office was distinguished by the unfortunate affair between the Grand Lodge and Hiram Lodge, No. 1.

At the Annual Convocation of Grand Chapter, R. A. M., in 1883, he was appointed Grand Steward and passed through the chairs, including that of Grand High Priest to which he was elected in May, 1892. Here he served one year. In the Grand Council, R. & S. M., he held office from May 1889, to May 1892.

As a man and companion, Brother Green had a genial social manner, council of companionship and pleasant in his intercourse with the world. As a worker among the Craft his ability was recognized and sought In the immediate circle of his Masonic associates and he was of great service in the administration of Masonic affairs. His mind, however, failed at the last, causing him to lose his membership in the fraternity in 1897.

His death occurred July 30, 1909, and his remains were laid away in Elm Grove Cemetery in Mystic. His picture appears in the Proceedings of 1887.