M.W. Frederick Hemingway Waldron 1883

Frederick Hemingway Waldron

On the twentieth of November 1910, Frederick Hemingway Waldron laid down the working tools of Masonry with which he was so long familiar and folding about him the mantle of weariness fell asleep.

M. W. Brother Waldron was born in the city of Buffalo, N. Y., on the fourteenth of March, 1840. While yet a lad of six years his parents removed to New Haven which thereafter became his home and where his life was spent except in those years he gave to his country as a soldier 01 the Civil War, and a short time spent in the middle west in railroad affairs. As a soldier he participated in a number of hard-fought battles and attained preferment for services rendered. After his return from the services of the war he followed the trade of carpenter and pattern-maker until 1870 when he was appointed Clerk of the Board of Public Works of the City of New Haven. This office he continued to hold until 1892, being appointed thereto by the Board regardless of its political complexion.

In addition to his public duties Brother Waldron devoted much time to Masonic work. He was made a Master Mason in Wooster" Lodge, No. 79, March 13, 1863, while at home on furlough from the Army. He received the Royal Arch and Royal and Select Master degrees in Washington in April 1864, afterwards affiliating with Chapter and Council in New Haven. He was knighted in New Haven Commandery, No.2, in 1869 and held active membership in all those bodies at the. time of his death. He was Worshipful Master of his Lodge in 1871 and 1872. Brother Waldron was Thrice Illustrious Master of Harmony Council, No.8, R. & S. M., from 1870 to 1872, and Eminent Commander of New Haven Commandery, No.2, K. T., for the years 1881 and 1882. He was elected and presided as Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut in 1883, having served as Most Puissant Grand Master of the Grand Council in 1873. He was Right Eminent Grand Commander in 1886 and was active in and served as presiding officer in the Scottish Rite bodies of New Haven. Brother Waldron received the 33rd degree In September 1883, was an Honorary Member of the Supreme Council Northern Jurisdiction of the United States and a member of the Grand Encampment, Knights Templar of the United States, when he died.

It has been written of him that "he never ceased to labor for the interests of others nor failed to show his love and devotion for his friends. He was courteous in manner, quick in perception, with a modulated voice and graceful delivery, and in general was gifted with those talents which constitute a successful presiding officer. He was liberal and courteous in household hospitalities and discharged the duties of domestic life faithfully".

His picture appears in the Proceedings of 1884 and 1911.