M.W. Ernest Leroy Prann 1935

Ernest Leroy Prann

Seldom has any man endeared himself to the community in which he lived as did Most Worshipful Brother Ernest L. Prann. His sterling character, high integrity, steadfast devotion to duty and his untiring efforts ,to make his community a better place in which to live earned for him the respect and admiration of all with whom he came into contact.

Born in South Wethersfield, Connecticut, on August 12, 1872, the son of John W. and Helen (Webb) Prann, his ancestry traced from a soldier who came to this country to fight for the American Colonies with Brother General Lafayette.

When it became necessary for him to leave school at the age of 15 he went to Deep River and found employment in the Charles A. Kirtland printing plant which published the "New Era." There he learned the trade of a printer. Entrusted with increased responsibilities he was soon responsible for the entire running of the printing and publishing business.

Realizing his need for more education and training he entered the Eastman Business College in Poughkeepsie, New York, an outstanding institution for business training. Upon the completion of his course there he returned to Deep River to become a partner in a woodturning business of which he soon became secretary-treasurer and superintendent.

In 1903 he left this concern and purchased the printing and newspaper business of his former employer. To this business he devoted the remainder of his life until his retirement.

Most Worshipful Brother Prann was always active in community affairs, having served his town as treasurer, member of the school board for 25 years, justice of the peace and town prosecutor.

He served as President of his local businessmen's association, as President and a Director of the Essex Savings Bank and as a Director of the Bankers Trust Company in Essex. For several years he was a Vice-President of the Middlesex County Manufacturers' Association.

He was raised a Master Mason in Trinity Lodge No. 43 on May 14, 1894 and was Master of his Lodge in 1900. After serving the Grand Lodge as District Deputy of the Seventh District in 1925 and 1926 he was appointed to the Grand Lodge Line and progressed through the several chairs to become Most Worshipful Grand Master in 1935.

In 1944 he was honored by the Grand Lodge for his distinguished Masonic record by being awarded the Pierpont Edwards Medal. He also held membership in Burning Bush Chapter No. 29, R.A.M., Columbia Council No.9, R. and S.M. and Cyrene Commandery No.8, K.T.

Most Worshipful Brother Prann, in spite of his many business and civic duties was never too busy to serve his Lodge and the Masonic fraternity. Wherever Masons met to promote the art he was most apt to be found among those present doing his best to help, aid and assist. To his own Lodge he was a tower of strength and inspiration.

Past Grand Master Prann was called to his heavenly reward on August 13, 1958 just one day after his 86th birthday. Funeral services were held in the Deep River Congregational Church on August 15th and burial was in the Fountain Hill Cemetery where Masonic services were conducted by his Lodge, Trinity No. 43.