M.W. Anson Foster Keeler 1942

Anson Foster Keeler

The last volley has been fired, taps 'have been sounded and our companion soldier has been laid to rest. To many of us who knew him well, this civic and Masonic leader, this man of the people, this personal friend has left a place which none of us can fill.

Born only 56 years ago, in the City of Brooklyn, New York, with but limited schooling he, in turn, was a successful business man, treasurer and mayor of the City of Norwalk, State Senator and comptroller of his adopted state. Owing to his physical condition he was unable to take part in World War II, yet he taxed his waning strength to be chairman of the local draft board and head of the Norwalk Red Cross.

Going into World War I in 1917 as a private, he came back from France in 1919 as a Second Lieutenant and retired from the State service in 1930 as Colonel of the Finance Department. Joining St. John's Lodge, No.6, in December 1911 he served as Master in 1915 and Grand Master in 1942. He also served as Potentate of Pyramid Temple in 1936 and was Chief of the Air Patrol of A. A. O. N. M. S. from 1926 to 1943. Yet he found time to serve as Commander of his American Legion Post and as -President of the Norwalk branch of the Sons of the American Revolution. He found time also to give no little of his help to some of the other Masonic organizations, to all of which he belonged and to help the Red Men, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Connecticut Society of the American Revolution.

His last Masonic service was as a member of the Board of Managers of The Masonic Charity Foundation to which board he was elected upon the day of his retirement as Grand Master of Masons in February i943.

The Colonel has gone to his last rendezvous and we who linger yet a little while may say in the closing words of the old Knights Templar burial service, "Light rest the ashes upon thee and may the sunshine of heaven beam bright on the day of thy awakening."