M.W. Charles Johnson Ramage 1947

Charles Johnson Ramage

Brother Charles Johnson Ramage was born in Montville, Connecticut on January 22, 1905, and attended Public School there. He was graduated from Chapman Technical High School in New London in June, 1922, and was employed for a year in the Babcock Printing Press Manufacturing Company of that City.

In 1923 he accepted a position with the Connecticut Light and Power Company which later merged with the Northeast Utilities Company and retired in 1970 from that Firm after having served 47 years with the Utility Company. His advancement in the Company was constant and he retired with the title of Assistant Treasurer.

On March 21, 1925 he married Eleanor Ann Bliven and from this union was born two daughters: Marjorie Alice, and Barbara Lucille, now Mrs. Walter Goettlich. Brother Ramage had two grandchildren and four great grandchildren. The couple resided for many years in Willimantic, moving to Wethersfield after accepting his position with the Northeast Utilities Company, then later retiring to his Florida home.'

Brother Ramage had been involved in many activities. The social, civic and Church positions which he had held were many and varied, and each Town where he made his home had been the beneficiary of his energetic and efficient responses to the call of duty. His civic activities included membership on the Board of Directors of the Willimantic YMCA, Secretary of the Boy Scout Court of Honor, Treasurer of the Willimantic Lions Club and an Active worker in the Episcopal Church. He was also a member of Willimantic Lodge No. 1311, B.P.O.E.

In 1933, Brother Ramage enlisted as a Private in the Connecticut National Guard. Here, as in other fields, his abilities and his devotion to duty gained him distinction and honors. In 1935, after only two years of service, he was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in Battery "A", 192nd Field Artillery, and was promoted to First Lieutenant in 1938.

His Masonic career began on April 2, 1926, when he was Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Masons in Oxoboxo Lodge No. 116, A.F. & A.M., of Montville, Connecticut. His abilities were soon noticed, for in 1932 after serving in the Subordinate Offices of the Lodge, he was elected Worshipful Master of his Lodge. He thus became the third generation to hold this office, following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, both of whom were also Raised in Oxoboxo Lodge No. 116.

He was a Past Patron of Oweneco Chapter No. 104, Order of the Eastern Star, Past Excellent High Priest of Trinity Chapter No.9, Royal Arch Masons of Willimantic, member of Cushing Council No.4, Royal and Select Masters, Palestine Commandery No.6, Knights Templar, and the Scottish Rite Bodies of the Valley of Norwich. The Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite coroneted him a 33rd Degree member in September of 1964. He was a charter member of St. Andrew's Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine and served as its Puissant Sovereign during the year 1954-1955. He was a member of Sphinx Temple A.A.O.N.M.S., and the Shrine Clubs of New London, Willimantic, and Florida.

Brother Charles Johnson Ramage served the Grand Lodge as District Deputy of the Eighth Masonic District in 1936 and 1937 and was appointed Grand Junior Steward in 1939. On February 5, 1947, he was elected to serve as the One Hundred and First Grand Master of Masons in Connecticut, becoming one of the youngest men ever to hold that Office. It was during his term of Office that the Annual Communication date was moved from February to April, so he served for fourteen months instead of the usual twelve as Most Worshipful Grand Master. In December, 1961, Brother Ramage was appointed temporary Grand Treasurer, following the sudden death of Right Worshipful Clarence A. Boyce, and in April, 1962, was elected to serve as Grand Treasurer until his retirement in 1974. From that date on he served as Grand Treasurer Emeritus until his death.

Perhaps his greatest contribution was to the Masonic Charity Foundation which he served as a member for many years and President for nearly ten from 1965 to 1974. It was during his tenure that much of the expansion was taking place and many improvements were the results of cooperation between Brother Ramage and Doctor Kurt Pelz. One of the newer buildings, a major addition dedicated in 1972, bears the name: "The Charles Johnson Ramage Wing".

Brother Ramage must have had mixed feelings about returning from his retirement home in Florida to become a patient within our Masonic Home and Hospital. First, living in the Wells Apartments and finally in the nursing unit of the Ramage Building. Most Worshipful Brother Charles Johnson Ramage passed from this earthly life to the Celestial Lodge above on July 7, 1988, at SI. Raphael's Hospital in New Haven.

Our sympathy is extended to his wife Eleanor, daughters, grandchildren and great grandchildren. There were two funeral services held: one in the Chapel of the Masonic Home and Hospital on Monday, July 11, and a second at the Potter Funeral Home in Willimantic on Tuesday, July 12. Burial was in Comstock Cemetery in Montville.

Freemasonry can point with pride to its membership rosters, for thereon are listed the names of many of the world's most eminent men in each generation. Seldom, if ever, in history has an Organization continued throughout the years to attract such men from all walks of life. In their great hearts and capable hands the potential of greatness has been firmly lodged and too many of them come the fulfillment of this promised distinction through their service within the Masonic Fraternity.

"One of the distinguished group with whom we have all been able to work with fondness and pride was Brother Charles Johnson Ramage. Most Worshipful Past Grand Master of Masons in Connecticut."