M.W. Robert Hogg Nisbet 1952

Robert Hogg Nisbet 1952

Born at Providence, R I., August 25, 1879 Died at South Kent, Connecticut, April 19, 1961

Death has removed from our midst the well-known artist and highly respected Past Grand Master of Masons in Connecticut, Robert H. Nisbet.

Brother Nisbet was the son of William Douglas Nisbet and Isabella Hogg Nisbet. He received his education in the public schools of Providence, the Rhode Island School of Design and while at the School of Design won the Director's Graduate Scholarship Prize. He taught Brown University classes at the School of Design for two years. He had the Art Students League of New York scholarship. He was a pupil of French Vincent DuMond. He traveled and studied in Europe and was a pupil of Henry B. Snell in England.

He went on to make a national and international reputation as a fine artist. His paintings and etchings may be seen in many museums, libraries and art galleries. He was a portrayer of trees, hills, sky, water-courses, sand dunes and the surf and rip tides of the ocean. To some he is known as an etcher and was a winner of distinction in this artistic expression.

Past Grand Master Nisbet's civic and Masonic activities were long and colorful. He was not only an artist of note but was also an ardent sportsman and, as such, won many medals and awards for his work with the rifle, both modern and Colonial. The rifle and its use was a hobby with him. He was an expert with the pistol and the bow and arrow.

He served as a young man in the Rhode Island National Guard.

He was active most of his life in civic affairs. During World War II, he was chief air warden and Captain of the Kent Rangers. He was senior marksman and rifle instructor of the National Rifle Association. Both Brother Robert and his wife were awarded the Connecticut Medal for Distinguished Civilian War Service. He also was awarded a special merit brassard for meritorious service by the National Rifle Association.

The story of Brother Nisbet's life would fill a book. He was born in Providence, Rhode Island, August 25, 1879. In 1910 he married Mrs. Marguerite Metcalf (nee dePortales) and moved to Kent, Connecticut where they built a home on a beautiful hillside on the road to South Kent.

Brother Nisbet was raised in St. Luke's Lodge No. 48, June 29, 1911, was its Worshipful Master in 1916, District Deputy for the Second Masonic District 1936-1937, exalted a RA.M. in Ousatonic Chapter No. 33, a member of Bull Council No. 20, R & S.M., Hamilton Commandery K. T., Lafayette Consistory S.P.RS. Valley of Bridgeport, Pyramid Temple A.A.O.N.M.S., Grand Master of Masons in Connecticut in 1952. He was a member of the American Lodge of Research, New York, a member of the Philalethes Society and Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia near the Grand Lodge of Connecticut.

Bob, as he was called by most of us, was awarded the Christopher Champlin Medal for Distinguished Masonic Service by the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island in 1953 and the Pierpont Edwards medal by the Grand Lodge of Connecticut in 1955.

Our Past Grand Master was interred as he wished to be in the Swan Point Cemetery at Providence. R I. and a resting place provided next to him for his beloved wife. Marguerite, who survived him by ten days. Past Grand Masters, Earle K. Haling and John H. Smith were present and represented the Grand Lodge at the funeral.