M.W. Gordon Ford Christie 1959

Gordon Ford Christie

Gordon Ford Christie, who served The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Connecticut in 1960 as its 113th Grand Master, has previously been awarded the Pierpont Edwards Medal in Bronze for distinguished Masonic service at the Session of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Connecticut held in April 1962. The Citation which accompanied that award gave his personal, civic and Masonic history up to that date, and inquirers are referred to the proceedings of this Most Worshipful Grand Lodge for 1962 for this information without present repetition.

After his service as Most Worshipful Grand Master, when he brilliantly led this Grand Lodge, he might well have rested upon his laurels and more or less withdrawn from active participation in Grand Lodge affairs. However, his interest in Freemasonry has continued, particularly in his position as Treasurer of The Masonic Charity Foundation of Connecticut. In this capacity his knowledge of real estate, his sound financial judgment and skill have resulted in greatly increasing the assets of The Masonic Charity Foundation, in both its endowment and capital funds. He has reviewed all bequests made to The Masonic Charity Foundation in wills, particularly where the rights of the Foundation do not accrue until the termination of life interests. He has obtained accountings and seen to it that funds held by others which will ultimately benefit the Foundation have been properly invested and accounted for. The Foundation now has an accurate inventory of this type of assets.

He has also served as Vice-President of the Masonic Temple Association of Bridgeport during the long period between the condemnation of the old temple in downtown Bridgeport and the completion of the new Masonic Temple on Fail-field Avenue on the outskirts of the City. He gave untold hours in consultation, persuasion and direction, and again his remarkable skill and excellent judgment have resulted in tremendous benefits to the Bridgeport Brethren.

He has continued his interest in civic affairs although not holding office, and is always ready to respond to calls to deliver inspirational Masonic addresses, or to act as Master of Ceremonies at Masonic gatherings. He is held in the highest regard by all brethren throughout the State, and the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Connecticut has determined that he shall be further honored by admission to that small group of Connecticut brethren who are entitled to wear the Pierpont Edwards Medal in Silver.

He passed away 12/7/1996.