M.W. Alexander Nicholson Chapman Biography 1976

Alexander Nicholson Chapman

Alexander Nicholson Chapman served The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M. of Connecticut in 1976 as its 130th Grand Master. In the pages of the proceedings designated 1976 will be found his personal, civic and Masonic history up to his installation, to which inquirers are referred for such information without present repetition.
Brother Chapman's year of labor as Grand Master will always be remembered for his oft-expressed love for his God. Many lesser men have paid lip service to the Grand Architect of the Universe but Alex lived as he spoke. His own words are "...try to convince the world at large that Masonry stands for high moral principles, that we place our trust in God, and are always working for the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God."
As much praise as we may heap on him for his great and good works as Grand Master, his service to the Masonic Home and Hospital will remain his lasting monument as testimony to his love for Masonry and his fellow man. Brother Chapman has been a member of the Board of Managers of the Masonic Charity Foundation since 1962. The expertise that he has brought in his own field, to the Foundation, during the extensive construction and renovations in those years, could never be purchased in dollars. Every single one of Alex's years on the Board was distinguished by the same unflagging zeal and enthusiasm which so naturally characterized his service as our Grand Master.
For his service to God, his Country, and his fellow man in general, but Masonry in particular, the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Connecticut is proud to bestow upon Most Worshipful Brother Alexander Nicholson Chapman


Alexander Chapman went to the Celestial Lodge 8/20/1980.