M.W. Dennis L. Elkins Biography 1986

Dennis Lynwood Elkins

 Most Worshipful Dennis Lynwood Elkins was born on June 17, 1942 in Middle-town, Connecticut, the son of Ralph Lynwood and Florence Rutty Elkins. Most of his Preschool years were spent between Deep River, Connecticut and Southborough, Massachusetts living with both his paternal and maternal grandparents while his father was in the Service in World War II. When he was four and one half years old, the family moved to the Higganum section of Haddam, Connecticut, and he attended elementary school in Haddam. As there was no High School in Haddam at that time, he finished his secondary education at Middletown High School and was graduated from there in June of 1960.

 After graduation Brother Elkins was employed by the State Highway Department, and also at Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Division of United Technologies in Middletown, where he received training as a welder. Upon an employment cutback at Pratt and Whitney, he enrolled at the Morse School of Business in Hartford for a course in Business Administration. In 1964 he received his Draft notice, and wishing to continue his education in the business administration field, he enlisted in the Army in March of that year and served for three years, the last of which were spent in the Far East headquartering in Tokyo, Japan.

 On December 10, 1965, he married Sakuko (Saki) Noda at the American Embassy in Tokyo and to this union were born two daughters, Ellen, born in Japan, and Lori, born in the United States. He presently resides at 140 Salt Island Road, Westbrook, Connecticut.

 Upon his discharge from the Service in February of 1967, he joined his father's business, E. J. Associates of Old Saybrook, Connecticut, and was in charge of the sales of Office, School, and Library furniture throughout the state of Connecticut. In late 1970, Brother Elkins joined a Company in Waterbury selling materials handling equipment, and in 1981 he entered the employ of Continuum, an affiliate of the Connecticut Hospital Association of Wallingford, Connecticut. In 1986 he left the employment of Continuum, and is currently employed as a Sales Representative for a computer marketing Company.

 Most Worshipful Brother Elkins began his Masonic Career, when his father was Worshipful Master of Granite Lodge No. 119, A.F. & A.M. of Haddam, Connecticut. He was Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on December 23, 1964.
 Brother Dennis received his first appointive Office in Granite Lodge in 1968, and served as Worshipful Master in his Lodge in 1971 and again in 1973. He holds Dual Membership in Siloam Lodge No. 32, A.F. & A.M., Old Saybrook, Connecticut, and is an Honorary Member of Compass Lodge No. 9, A.F. & A.M., Wallingford, Connecticut. He is a Past Master of Philosophic Lodge of Research of Wethersfield, Connecticut and an Honorary Member of Rising Sun Lodge No. 151 of Zama, Japan. He is currently the Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge of Japan. Most Worshipful Brother Elkins belongs to Burning Bush Lodge No. 29, Royal Arch Masons, Columbia Council No. 9, Royal and Select Masters, having been thrice Illustrious Master in the year of 1977-1978 and Cyrene Commandery No. 8, Knights Templar, Middletown, Connecticut. He holds membership in Nathan Hale Consistory of Hartford Valley, and the Connecticut Consistory of Norwich Valley.

 Brother Elkins other Masonic Affiliations are as follows: Nutmeg Forest of Tall Cedars of Lebanon, and the Connecticut York Rite College No. 17, member of Sphinx Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S., Newington, Connecticut, an Honorary member of Pyramid Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S., Shelton, Connecticut, and an Honorary Life Member of the Directors Staff of Sphinx Temple having served as Director from 1981 to 1983, a member of the Past Masters of Sphinx Temple and the Ritual Cast, and has been Assistant Master of Properties of Sphinx Temple from 1976 to the present time. He served as Director of the Sphinx Temple Mosque Building Committee from 1978 to 1983. He belongs to the Caravan Shrine Club, the Omar Shrine Club and the Bedouin Shrine Club. In 1980 he developed the Shrine Blue Lodge Night Program that has been presented so successfully to several thousand Masons and non-Masons throughout our Grand Jurisdiction. Most Worshipful Brother Elkins has served on several Grand Lodge Committees: Bicentennial of the American Revolution in 1975; Grand Lodge Committee Custodians of the Work in 1976 and the Grand Lodge Committee for Masonic Culture and Public Relations from 1975 to 1979. For several years he served as Chairman of the Wooster Memorial Service Committee, and in 1982 Chaired the Blood Bank Committee of our Grand Lodge. In 1983 he was Chairman of the Retention Committee and in 1984 and 1985 on the Budget and Appropriations Committee, serving as Chairman in 1985. Also in 1985 he served on the Medals and Awards Committee of Grand Lodge.

 In 1978, Most Worshipful Brother Elkins was appointed Right Worshipful District Deputy of Masonic District 7-A by Most Worshipful Brother James M. Desmond, Grand Master, and served in that capacity for the years of 1978 and 1979. He was appointed Grand Junior Steward of the Grand Lodge in 1980 by Most Worshipful Brother Morris I. Budkofsky on the recommendation of Most Worshipful Brother Carl J. Anderson. Brother Dennis Lynwood Elkins progressed constantly through the Chairs in Grand Lodge and was elected and installed as the One Hundred Fortieth Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Connecticut, April 2, 1986.
In recognition of his love and devotion to Masonry, and for his years of faithful service to the many Orders and Organizations to which he belongs, the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Connecticut is honored and pleased to award Most Worshipful Brother Dennis Lynwood Elkins THE PIERPONT EDWARDS MEDAL IN BRONZE FOR DISTINGUISHED MASONIC SERVICE.