M.W. Norman L. Getchell Biography 1987

Norman Lee Getchell

 Most Worshipful Brother Norman Lee Getchell was born August 29, 1935, in Bangor, Maine, oldest of the four children of Brother Norman Listen Getchell and the late Eleanor Lee Getchell.

 Brother Norman attended Congregational Churches and the public Schools in Bangor, graduating from Bangor High School in 1953. He then served three years in the United States Army, chiefly at the Army Missile and Artillery Center, Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

 Norman Lee Getchell married Barbara Ann Topping of Stamford, Connecticut, on March 3, 1956. They have two sons, James and Steven, and are the proud Grandparents of 3 Granddaughters.

 Brother Getchell is employed by Consolidated Controls Products, Eaton Corporation, of Bethel, Connecticut, where he is Supervisor of Data Control.
 Brother Norman Getchell made use of his early experience in American Legion baseball and High School baseball by serving as a member of the Bethel Baseball Association for several years and managing baseball teams in the Bethel Little League and Babe Ruth League.

 Brother Getchell's career in Masonry began in Bethel, Connecticut, where he was Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, by his father, on May 9, 1972, in Eureka Lodge, No. 83, A.F. & A.M. He was immediately appointed to Office in the Lodge, and quickly advanced to the East. He served his Lodge twice as Worshipful Master, in 1976 and 1980, earning the Masters Achievement Award in 1976. He has served, since 1972, as Director of the Bethel Masonic Temple Corporation. The year 1991 marks the beginning of his tenure as Secretary of Eureka Lodge No. 83, A.F. & A.M.

 Brother Getchell was appointed Grand Senior Steward in March 1981, by Most Worshipful Grand Master Brother John C. Sturges. His progression through the Offices of the Grand Lodge culminated in his Election and Installation as the One Hundred Forty-First Grand Master of Masons in Connecticut, on April 1, 1987.
 In service to youth, Brother Getchell was a member of the Advisory Board of Laurel Chapter Order of DeMolay and was Chapter Dad in 1973. In 1985, he was invested with the DeMolay Cross of Honor. He also served on the Advisory Board of Danbury Assembly, No. 20, Order of Rainbow for Girls, for several years.
 Other Masonic Affiliations include Membership in the York Rite and Scottish Rite Bodies in Fairfield County. In addition he is a member of Stella Chapter, No. 55, Order of Eastern Star; Candlewood Court, No. 25, Order of Amaranth; and Pyramid Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S. Brother Getchell was recently Appointed Director of Membership for Pyramid Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of The Mystic Shrine.

 He serves Brotherhood-In-Action in Bethel, comprising Eureka Lodge, No. 83, and Pavia Council Knights of Columbus, in cooperation on a food program.
 Most Worshipful Brother Getchell is Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Montana near the Grand Lodge of Connecticut. He has served our Grand Lodge on the following Committees: Masonic Culture and Public Relations, DeMolay Manpower, Bicentennial of Grand Lodge, Long Range Planning Committee for Order of DeMolay, Budget and Appropriations, Publicity and Public Relations, Medals and Awards, Wooster Memorial Service, and Publications.

 For his outstanding qualities as a man and a Mason, for his devotion to the principles of Freemasonry and his faithful service to this Grand Lodge, to his Lodge and to his Community, the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Connecticut takes pleasure in Awarding to Most Worshipful Brother Norman Lee Getchell