M.W. John Gonsalves Biography 1988

John Gonsalves

 Most Worshipful Brother John Gonsalves was born in New Bedford, Massachusetts on June 1,1927, the son of Frank and Mary Gonsalves.
 Brother John received his education in the Public Schools in Massachusetts and at the Porter School of Machine and Tool Design in Hartford, Connecticut. He served his Country in the United States Navy, during World War II, from 1944 to 1947.
 Brother John Gonsalves was married to Miss Rose Maria Hilsky of Hartford, Connecticut, on January 7,1950. This union has been blessed with two sons, Steven and Jeffery. Both sons are members of the Masonic Fraternity in Doric Lodge No. 94, A. F. & A.M., Enfield, Connecticut.

 Brother John Gonsalves had been employed at the Edmunds Manufacturing Company of Farmington, Connecticut since 1957. After more than 34 years of loyal service to the Edmunds Manufacturing Company, Most Worshipful Brother retired as the Manager of the Metrology Laboratory in 1991.

 Brother Gonsalves Masonic Career began in 1947 when he joined Guam Chapter, Order of DeMolay. Brother John Gonsalves was Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on October 12, 1961, in Doric Lodge No. 94, A.F. & A.M., in Enfield, Connecticut. His keen interest in Masonry was acknowledged as he served in the Chair of Junior Steward for the year of 1963. He progressed steadily through the Chairs in his home Lodge, serving Doric Lodge No. 94, A.F. & A.M., as Worshipful Master for the year of 1969.

 Brother John is a member of the Scottish Rite Bodies, Valley of Hartford, and Nathan Hale Consistory. He is also a York Rite Mason, member of Pythagoras-Welles Chapter No. 17, Royal Arch Masons, Wolcott Council No. 1, Royal and Select Masters, and Washington Commandery No. 1, Knights Templar.
 Brother Gonsalves is a member of Sphinx Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, and served as President of the Arab Patrol Association. He is a Charter Member and Past President of the Past Master's Club. His other Shrine dub Memberships include the Teheran Shrine Club, the Omar Shrine Club and the Oasis Shrine Club.

 Most Worshipful Brother Gonsalves' other Masonic Affiliations Include the Hartford County Lodge of Actual Past Masters. Brother Gonsalves received Dual Membership in Level Lodge No. 137, West Hartford, Connecticut, In 1974. He is an Associate Member of the Philosophic Lodge of Research, the Masonic Veteran's Association of Connecticut, Garibaldi Masonic Club, and Connecticut York Rite College No. 17.

 In 1973, Most Worshipful Brother William F. Saars, Grand Master, appointed Brother John Gonsalves as the Right Worshipful District Deputy for Masonic District 6-C. He was reappointed in 1974 to that same Office by Most Worshipful Brother Wesley F. Gomez.

 Brother John Gonsalves was appointed Right Worshipful Grand Junior Steward in 1981, by the late Most Worshipful Brother John Carter Sturges, on the recommendation of the retiring Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Morris I. Budkofsky. While progressing through the Grand Lodge Line as a Grand Lodge Officer, Brother Gonsalves served on several Grand Lodge Committees. He has been appointed as the Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Brazil, Mato Grosso Do Sul.

 Brother John Gonsalves was Elected and Installed as the 142nd Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in the State of Connecticut, during the Two Hundredth Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Connecticut, held in the Park Plaza Hotel, New Haven, Connecticut, April 6, 1988.
 Since the completion of his term as Most Worshipful Grand Master, Brother Gonsatves has remained active in the Masonic Fraternity. Shortly after leaving Office, he was Appointed to the Grand Lodge Committee on the Welfare of Lodges and By-Laws.

 Most Worshipful Brother Gonsalves also answered the call to service from his Mother Lodge by serving as Junior Warden in Doric Lodge No. 94, A.F. & A.M., for the years of 1989 and 1990. In Sphinx Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Noble John continued his activity In the Arab Patrol, the Oasis Club, and as a member and past President of the Sphinx Past Master's Club. He participated in the Master Mason Degree Team.

 Immediately following his retirement on November 27,1991, Most Worshipful Brother John Gonsalves and his lovely wife, Rose, boarded their Recreational Vehicle and headed West for a three month trip to California.

 For his outstanding qualities as a Man and a Mason, for his dedication and devotion to the Principles of Freemasonry, and his Faithful Service to this Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, to his Home Lodge and to this Country, the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Connecticut is proud and honored to bestow upon Most Worshipful Brother John Gonsalves the