M.W. Gail N Smith Biography 1989

Gail Nelson Smith

 Most Worshipful Brother Gail Nelson Smith was born in Windham, Connecticut, on September 8, 1937, the son of Gail Linnell and Harriet Potter Smith. Most Worshipful Brother Gail Linnell Smith was Grand Master of Masons in Connecticut in 1968 and 1969.

 Brother Gail attended the Public Schools in the Town of Windham and has been a member of the First Congregational Church of Windham for nearly thirty years.
 Brother Smith was made a Mason in Eastern Star Lodge, No. 44, A.F. & A.M., of Windham. He was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on November 16, 1966, by his father. He served his Lodge as Worshipful Master in 1973, and served the Grand Lodge on various Committees followed by appointment as Most Worshipful District Deputy in 1981 and 1982. On March 29, 1989, Brother Smith was Elected and Installed as The Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Connecticut.

 Most Worshipful Brother Smith's interest in Freemasonry dates back to 1954, when he joined Corinthian Chapter, Order of DeMolay. He has since become an honorary member of Martin J. Alien Priory and has been inducted into the DeMolay Legion of Honor.

 Most Worshipful Brother Smith has been active in both York Rite and Scottish Rite Masonry, and he is also an active member of numerous other Masonic Bodies. In April 1984, he was Elected and Installed Right Eminent Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery, Knights Templar of Connecticut.

 Most Worshipful Brother Smith retired after a career of twenty-seven years in the Connecticut State Police. He is currently serving the Masonic Charity Foundation as Director of Fraternal Relations. In this position, he has rendered outstanding Service to the Craft and the Foundation. Brother Smith meets with Members of the Fraternity throughout our Grand Jurisdiction to discuss problems and answer questions that arise in their relations with the Masonic Charity Foundation and also serves as an advisor on Connecticut Masonry to the other Members of the Foundation Staff.

 Most Worshipful Brother Smith can take just pride in his many accomplishments. Yet there is one which will surely stand out in the history of Freemasonry. At a Special Worshipful Brother Smith to be held in Wallingford on Saturday, October 14, AD 1989, AL 5989, a resolution was adopted expressing the mutual agreement of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of Connecticut and The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F. & A.M., of Connecticut, that they "Each do hereafter Fraternally recognize the other as legitimate proponents of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth, within the State of Connecticut."

 In appreciation of his Service as Most Worshipful Grand Master of this Grand Lodge and in recognition of his achievements in all branches of Freemasonry, as well as his service to his Church, his Community, and to his State, The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Connecticut is proud and honored to Award Most Worshipful Brother Gail Nelson Smith