M.W. Kenneth B. Hawkins, Sr. Biography 1993

Kenneth Bryant Hawkins, Sr.

 We really don't know what the records of the Weather Bureau say about the weather in Bridgeport on January 7, 1939, however, being in New England, it's safe to assume that it was a normal, wintry, January day. Of this though, we may be sure; in the household of the late Ellsworth and Myrtle Fields Hawkins, it was a beautiful sunny day, filled with smiling faces and an air of celebration. This was a day to remember, for it was on this day that their lives were blessed with the birth of a son who was to grow up to become the pride of his family. This was the day that began the life of Kenneth Bryant Hawkins. (He would later add "Senior" to his name.)
 Young Kenneth grew up to graduate from the Milford School System and attend the University of Connecticut.

 January seems to hold a high place among important dates in Ken's life, for on January 18, 1958, just eleven days after his nineteenth birthday, he was joined in marriage to his high school classmate, Elaine Rogers. This union produced four sons and one daughter. The eldest, Ken, Jr. , moved to Colorado in 1983 and is employed by the Vail Corporation. When married on August 13, 1994, the ceremony was performed on the top of Vail Mountain at an elevation of 10,000 feet, on a perfect sunny day, amid the beautiful mountain scenery.
 Mitchell, the second son, attended New Hampshire College. He resides in Milford and is employed by The Party People, an entertainment company.

 David, the third son, graduated from Clark University with a Bachelor's Degree; received his Master's of Science Degree from George Washington University, and his Doctorate from M.I.T. in July, 1996. He is presently teaching at Franklin Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He is married and has a son, Nicholas Paul.
 Susan (Carpenter), the only daughter, graduated from Briarwood College, is married, and works for Tetley USA Inc. She has a son, Nicholas Scott.
 Christopher, the youngest, graduated from Middlebury College and the University of Connecticut School of Law. He is an attorney and lives in Newmarket, New Hampshire. He and his wife, Christine, have a daughter, Kaleigh Marie Bassett and a son, Andrew Kenneth.

Ken's life is divided into several areas of activity to which he is devoted; his family; his profession, Mary Taylor United Methodist Church, and the Masonic Fraternity (especially Ansantawae Lodge No. 89). Following these major interests are the Milford Rotary Club (where he is a Paul Harris Fellow), the American Red Cross Blood Program, and Race Brook Country Club, where, due to infrequent opportunities to play golf in the past several years, it is understood that his handicap is a stroke or two higher than it once was.

 In 1955, Ken joined Milford Chapter, Order of DeMolay. In 1960, on reaching majority, he became a Senior DeMolay. Soon after, he was appointed to the Advisory Board and served for the next seventeen years . He received the Chevalier Degree and the Legion of Honor. He holds the White Honor Key and the Advisors Honor Key and is a Past Commander of the Charles M. Gerdinier Preceptory, Legion of Honor.

 Brother Hawkins was Raised a Master Mason in Ansantawae Lodge No. 89, Milford, on December 8, 1961. He served as a Worshipful Master in 1973, and was elected Secretary in 1975. With the exception of 1994, he has filled that office ever since, a total of twenty-two years.

 In 1976-77, he served as Associate Grand Marshal for the late Brother Carl Ritter, Right Worshipful District Deputy, 4-C, and in 1982-83, served as Right Worshipful District Deputy, 4-B. Later he was elected President of the Past District Deputies Association of Connecticut. Since 1982, he has been Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge of South Carolina, near the Grand Lodge of Connecticut.

 In 1985, the then Grand Master, Brother Herbert L. Emanuelson, Jr., recommended Ken for appointment to the Office of Grand Junior Steward. The incoming Grand Master, Brother Arthur W. Kratzert, agreed and appointed him to that Office. Brother Hawkins progressed through the Grand Lodge line with a record of hard work and accomplishment. In 1993, his potential for leadership was recognized by his Brothers who elected him to Masonry's highest office, that of Most Worshipful Grand Master.

 Ken is a member of the York Rite bodies; Milford Chapter No. 49, R.A.M., is a Past Illustrious Master of Adam Sattig Council No. 35, R. & S.M., and Hamilton Commandery No. 5, K.T. He is a member of the Scottish Rite, Valley of New Haven, and Lafayette Consistory. He is an affiliate member of Orange Lodge No. 143, and a honorary member of Sibelius Lodge No. 1167, F. & A.M. of New York, and Tuscan Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M., P.H.A., Hartford.

 He belongs to Connecticut York Rite College No. 17, Pyramid Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S., Nutmeg Forest No. 116, Tall Cedars of Lebanon, Masonic Veterans Association of Connecticut, Garibaldi Masonic Club, The Twilight Club, and is a Past Captain of the Jolly Mariners Square Club of Milford.
 His daughter, Susan, is a Past Worthy Advisor of Milford Assembly No. 4, Order of Rainbow for Girls, and a member of Lucia Chapter No. 25, Order of Eastern Star. Two of his sons are Senior DeMolays, and all four sons are members of Ansantawae Lodge No. 89, having been raised together in 1988.
 For over thirty-one years. Ken has been associated with Coldwell Banker (formerly George J. Smith & Son, Realtors) in Milford.

 He is well-respected in his field and has traveled extensively throughout the United States, attending seminars and taking courses in real estate matters. He has the unique distinction of being one of the very few Realtors in Connecticut to hold simultaneously, the designations of C.R.B. (Certified Broker Manager), C.R.S. (Certified Real Estate Specialist), and G.R.I. (Graduate of the Realtors Institute). He is a state licensed real estate appraiser.

 He has served as President of the Greater New Haven Association of Realtors, Inc. In 1990 and was named Realtor of the Year of that Association in 1988. He served four terms as State Director of the Connecticut Association of Realtors, and presently serves as Mediator for C.A.R.

 Brother Ken's wife, Elaine, works for Hebert Jewelers in Milford. Her whole hearted support of her family, especially her aid and support of Ken in his Masonic and community activities has been exemplary.

 Brother Ken is a Director of the Masonic Geriatric Healthcare Center Board.
 Ken has been active on Grand Lodge Committees and programs for many years. He presently serves on the Fraternal Relations, Prince Hall Relations, and Publication Committees. He was appointed Chairman of the initial committee that met with Prince Hall representatives during the recognition process in 1989 and thereafter chaired the Prince Hall Recognition Committee for several years.
 As Grand Master, he initiated the Long Range Planning, Grand Lodge Office Computer, and Grand Lodge Session Planning & Greeting Committees, and the Unity Congress.

 He will serve as a Grand Lodge Trustee until the year 2000.
 His contribution to the Craft in Connecticut has been exemplary and continuous. Retirement is a word that is not in his vocabulary. Some men seek honors. Others find them coming to their door when least expected. Such a man is Kenneth Bryant Hawkins, Sr.

 In the course of his life he has sought out opportunities to "Help, Aid, and Assist". His biography displays the successful way and manner in which he has directed his footsteps toward that constant goal.
 In recognition of his unselfish and untiring efforts on behalf of his fellow beings, and in an attempt to honor one of its own who has brought honor on himself by his years of quiet service,

The Grand Lodge, A.F.& A.M., Of Connecticut is pleased to present to
Kenneth Bryant Hawkins, Sr. Most Worshipful Past Grand Master

The Pierpont Edwards Medal
In Bronze
For Distinguished Masonic Service