M.W. Leonard F. D'amico Biography 2000

Leonard Francis D'Amico

 LEONARD FRANCIS D'AMICO was born on March 3, 1933 1n Waterbury, Connecticut, the son of Joseph and Marie Ionrio D'Amico. Following his education in the public schools of Waterbury, he served 1n the United States Navy during the Korean conflict; Returning from Military Service Brother D'Amico joined the Waterbury Police Department; however, after seven years as a police officer he changed his career and for twelve years was employed by the International Harvester Company as a truck salesman. In this capacity he developed an exceptional talent for dealing with people on a personal basis, as friends rather than potential customers.

 Brother Len's sunny disposition and genial laughter certainly "sold" at least one person, Harriet "Re" Campbell, whom he married in 1959. "Re" is a Registered Nurse and is still active in her profession, in addition to caring for three active children, a daughter and two sons.

 In addition to this complete family and professional life, Brother Len has found time to take an active part in civic affairs. A member of the Beacon Falls Board of Education from 1963 to 1969, he served as Chairman in 1968 and 1969. He also served on the Advisory Board of Mattetuck Junior College for the year 1969. Having served as a member of the Beacon Falls Republican Town Committee for nine years, he was elected a Selectman for Beacon Falls in 1973 and again in 1975, an office he is still holding.

 Brother D'Amico was Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on November 15, 1955 at the age of 22 in Euclid Lodge No. 135, A.F. & A.M.. in Waterbury. He commenced his labors for the Lodge in the quarries of the Fellowcraft Association, serving as Master of the Square of Quarry No. 49 in 1959. Following this apprenticeship, he started his climb through the Chairs of Euclid Lodge, was elected and served as the 41st Master in 1969, an office he filled with distinction and honor. He continues to serve his Lodge on the Board of Trustees and as a member of the Raymond S. George Fund Committee. He is also a member of the Temple Corporation for the Waterbury Masonic Temple.

 Brother Len first sought additional light in Masonry by joining the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite in the Valley of Waterbury in 1956, and holds membership in Doric Lodge of Perfection; Ionic Council, Princes of Jerusalem; Corinthian Chapter Rose Croix; and Lafayette Consistory; Sublime Prince of Royal Secret, in the Valley of Bridgeport. He was also advanced and promoted a Brother and Knight of the Royal Order of Scotland on October 24, 1969, in the Provincial Grand Lodge of the United States, at its Annual Communication in Washington, D.C.

 Following a conviction that Freemasonry had still more light to offer. Brother D'Amico petitioned and was exalted in Eureka Chapter No. 22, Royal Arch Masons, in 1968, progressed through the Chairs and served that Chapter as Most Excellent High Priest in 1973, having been duly anointed, consecrated and set apart to the Order of High Priesthood in Connecticut. He is presently serving the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Connecticut as a member of the DeMolay Scholarship Committee. He was received and greeted in Waterbury Council No. 21, Royal and Select Masters in 1969, served as Thrice Illustrious Master in 1975, and Received the Order of the Silver Trowel in the Council of Anointed Kings of Connecticut. He was Knighted in dark Commandery No. 7, Knights Templar, in 1968, and served as Eminent Commander for two consecutive terms, from 1974 to 1976. Sir Knight Len continues to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees and member of the Triangle Guard Association of dark Commandery and is a Life Sponsor of the Knights Templar Eye Foundation. He has also served the Grand Commandery of Connecticut on the York Rite Unity Committee, and is currently serving on the Jurisprudence Committee.

On October 12, 1968, our Brother was created a Companion Knight in Connecticut York Rite College No. 17, and soon thereafter, accepted an appointment to the Officer line. His loyal service to the College was acknowledged on August 12, 1973, when the Sovereign York Rite College of North America, sitting in Detroit, Michigan, conferred upon him the Order of the Purple Cross and constituted him an Associate Regent. He is presently serving as Pre-Eminent Governor of Connecticut College, No. 17.

In addition to all the above, Brother Len joined Sphinx Temple A.A.O.N.M.S., OF Hartford in 1969. He is a member of the Police Square Club of Connecticut and earlier this year was created a Knight Companion
In St. Andrew's Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine. He has been further honored by having been elected to membership In Connecticut Priory No. 28, Knights of the York Cross of Honour.

For his outstanding contribution to Freemasonry in this State and his continuing service to the Fraternity, Brother Leonard Francis D'Amico is most deserving of