M.W. Gustaf R. Bodin Biography 2001

Gustaf Richard Bodin

Most Worshipful Grand Master 2001-2002

 Brother Gustaf Richard Bodin, who became the 155th Grand Master of Masons in Connecticut, was born in New Haven, CT, the first son of Gustaf H. and Jessie B. Bodin. He attended the Hamden public school system and graduated from both Hamden High School and Suffield Academy. Gus attended the University of Connecticut, Fort Trumbull Branch from 1948 to 1950, when he was called into active military service during the Korean conflict with the U.S. Army 43rd Infantry Division. He served overseas in Germany and was Honorably Discharged in 1952. After he was discharged from the service, Gus attended the University of New Haven, graduating with degrees in Electrical Engineering and Industrial Engineering.

In 1953, Gus met the former Virginia Ann Scribner and they were married in November of that year. They are the proud parents of three children, John, Gayle and Susan. John, a Service Technician with SBC/SNET Communications lives in Quaker Hill, CT, with his wife Ellen, and their three children. Gayle, a retired Media and Public Relations Director for the U.S. Olympic Committee, lives in Monument, Colorado, with her husband Sean Petty and their twin children. Susan works as a Veterinary Technician and lives in North Chittenden, Vermont, with her husband David Priest.

Gus was employed by the Southern New England Telephone Company (SNET) and held various management positions in the Engineering Department and Comptrollers Department. After completing 33 years of service with SNET, he took early retirement in 1986 and went to work for the Masonic Charity Foundation, now known as Masonicare, in the Admissions Department. In this new role, he was the Director of Admissions and Financial Planning. One of the satisfactions of this position was the pleasure he had in helping members of the Fraternity and their families prepare for their future long-term care needs. In 1986, Gus was appointed to serve as the Liaison for Masonicare to the Survivor's Benefit Commission of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge F. and A.M. of Connecticut and he continues to serve in that capacity today. He also served as a member of the Board of Trustees of Masonicare from 1998 to 2002. 

Gus is a member of the First Congregational Church of Guilford, where he has served in many capacities including: Board of Deacons, Board of Finance, Board of Trustees, Chairman of the Business Committee, Secretary of the Long Range Planning Committee, Chairman of the Pastoral Supply Committee, and the Music Committee, to name a few. Brother Gus also served as a Loaned Executive for the United Way of Greater New Haven, was a musician with the New Haven Business and Professional Men's Orchestra, a member of the SNET Glee Club, and on the New Haven Telephone Society Board of Governors. His interest in young people is evidenced by his support of DeMolay and Rainbow; he was a Boy Scout Leader, a coach of Guilford Little League Baseball, and an Associate Leader of the Connecticut 4H Youth Program. In connection with his 4H involvement, he raised honeybees and is a current member of the Connecticut Beekeepers Association.
Gus's first interests in Masonry began when he became a member of the New Haven Chapter Order of DeMolay, where he served the Chapter as its Master Councilor in 1947 and as State Chaplain in 1947 and 1948. As a DeMolay, he received several awards, including the Distinguished DeMolay Service Award from New Haven Commandery No. 2, Knights Templar. He is a Senior DeMolay and served as Advisor to the Guilford DeMolay Chapter from 1974 to 1977, is a member of the Charles M. Gerdinier Preceptory and received both the Degree of Chevalier and the DeMolay Legion of Honor.

Brother Gus was Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Day Spring Lodge No. 30, Hamden, CT, on February 16,1955. He affiliated with St. Alban's Lodge No. 38 in Guilford, CT on January 5, 1959, and holds plural membership in Day Spring Lodge No. 30, where he served as Trustee from 1985 through 1990 and in Wooster Lodge No. 79. Gus served as Worshipful Master of St. Alban's Lodge in 1976, and received the Master's Achievement Award. He also served St. Alban's Lodge as Treasurer from 1978 to 1983 and 1994 to the present, Secretary from 1986 through 1993, Past President of the Guilford Temple Association and currently serves as a Trustee on the Board of Directors. He is an Honorary Lifetime Member of Hiram Lodge No. 1, New Haven, Ansantawae Lodge No. 89, Milford, Annawon Lodge No. 115, West Haven, and was made an Honorary Member of Widow's Son Lodge No. 1, New Haven, Prince Hall Masons, F. & A.M. of CT.
In 1981 Brother Bodin was appointed to serve as Right Worshipful District Deputy for Masonic District Four A by M.W. Brother John C. Sturges and was re-appointed to serve in that capacity for the year 1982 by M.W. Brother Christopher T. Wyld. Brother Gus also served the Grand Lodge as Deputy Grand Secretary for 1984-1985. He served as Chairman of the Grand Lodge Custodians of the Work Committee from 1983 to 1988, was a member of the Grand Lodge Masonic Information Committee, Chairman of the Committee on Revisions of Grand Lodge Rules, Regulations and By- Laws, the Grand Lodge Preparation and Greeting Committee, the Committee on the Address of the Grand Master and Reports, and is currently serving as the Grand Representative to the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A.F. and A.M. of Colorado.

From 1982 through 1993, Gus served in the role as the Marshal-In-Chief for all the District Deputy Presentation Ceremonies in the Fourth Masonic District. In 1994, upon the recommendation of the permanent members of the Fourth Masonic District, Most Worshipful Brother George W. Pangborn appointed Right Worshipful Brother Bodin to the Grand Lodge Officer Line as Right Worshipful Grand Junior Steward. In April 1994, in recognition of his contribution to Masonry as displayed in his work for the craft throughout the years and for his devoted efforts within the community and with his church, Brother Gus was awarded the Pierpont Edwards Medal in Bronze for Distinguished Masonic Service.

In May 2001, M.W. Brother Bodin was made an Honorary Past Grand Master of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge F. and A.M. of New Brunswick, Canada, with full rights and privileges. In June 2001, Hiram Lodge #1 named him "Mason of the Year" and in October 2001, he was honored by being made a Lifetime member of St. Mark's Lodge #36, Simsbury, Connecticut. Gus is also an Honorary Member of Sibelius Lodge No. 1167, F. & A.M., of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of New York.
Gus sought further Masonic Light in York Rite Masonry and is a member of Franklin Chapter No. 2, Royal Arch Masons, New Haven, Harmony Council No. 8, New Haven, and New Haven Commandery No. 2, Knights Templar, New Haven. He was Created a Companion Knight, Connecticut York Rite College No. 17, and Created a Knight Companion, Saint Andrew's Conclave, Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine. In Scottish Rite Masonry, Gus is a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of New Haven, S.P.R.S. 32̊ Lafayette Consistory, Bridgeport and an Affiliate member of Nathan Hale Consistory 32̊, Valley of Hartford, CT. He was elected and Honorary Member of the Connecticut Council of Deliberation of the United Supreme Council A.A.S.R. Prince Hall Affiliation, Northern Jurisdiction. He is also a member of A.A.O.N.M.S. Sphinx Shrine, Hartford, Connecticut and a member of the Sphinx Shrine Chanter's Unit.

In October 2001, Gus was made an Honorary Member of the Garibaldi Masonic Club and in November 2001, Gus was honored by the Supreme Council Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm of North America by being made a Prophet at Sight and member of Hejaz Grotto M.O.V.P.E.R., New Haven and Zindah Grotto M.O.V.P.O.R., Waterbury. In January 2002, he was presented an Honorary Lifetime Membership in Pyramid Shrine Temple and in February 2002, he was made an Honorary Member of the High Twelve International Club.
Other Masonic activities in which M.W. Brother Gus is involved include: Assistant Secretary/Treasurer for the Fourth Masonic District Blue Lodge Council, Assistant Secretary for the Fourth Masonic District Past Masters Association, Treasurer of the Masonic Veteran Association from 1988 to present, Past President of the Past District Deputy Association of Connecticut, St. Alban's Fellowcraft Club, Grand Order of the Sword of Bunker Hill, Nutmeg Order No. 106, International Association of Turtles, the EMLU Square Head Club of Manchester Lodge No. 73, Past President and Treasurer of the Telephone Square Club Degree Team, member of the CSP Hi-12 Club and member of the Dusis Society of Greater New Haven.