M.W. George S. Greytak Biography 2005

George Stephen Greytak

George Stephen Greytak was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, on August 10, 1951,

the second of 4 children born to Stephen and the late Marjorie Greytak. In 1956 the family

moved to Stratford, Connecticut where George attended elementary and high school. As

a youth in Stratford, he played Little League baseball, Pop Warner football, and CYO

basketball. He was active in the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts where he held the positions of

Junior Assistant Scout Master and troop bugler.


In 1965 George began studying the drums, and has played professionally since that time.

Following graduation from Stratford High School in June 1969, George went to work for

the United Illuminating Company in Bridgeport with whom he is still employed. He began

his career as a meter reader, he then moved to the Stores Department in 1970, and in 1979

he transferred to the Substation Departm ent where he attained the position of Substation

Electrician Specialist. In 1994 he moved into management as a Substation Training

Specialist. This job has evolved into the position of Human Resources Training Specialist,

which he currently holds. He is a member, and the current chairman, of the Inter-Utility

Substation Training Association, and has served on the Executive, By-Laws, and Nominating

Committees. He has also been a presenter at many of the meetings of the association.

George is a Red Cross certified instructor in CPR and First Aid, and serves on the Board

of Directors for the Valley Red Cross. He is certified by the National Safety Council to teach

Flagger Training, and Defensive Driving Training. He is certified by Kaset International

to teach the Field Ambassador for Electric Utilities Program. He has attended and chaired

meetings of the Electric Council of New England. He has successfully completed Keller's

Official OSHA Safety Trainer's Program, and has completed the UI Systems Operations

Training, Customer Focus Training, Leadership Training, Operations Managers with Audit

Training, and Line Supervisors with Audit Training. He has attended Advanced Train the

Trainer, Project M anagement Standard Practices, and Project Management 100.5 for United

Illuminating, as well as the Process Redesign Workshop. He attended the Edison Electric

Institute OSHA Regulation Seminar for Power Generation Transmission & Distribution. He

has completed the DuPont Managing Safety Course.


On April 10, 1976 George married Ileen Risko and in 1987 their son Stephen was born.

Stephen will be entering the Culinary Institute of America in October. The family has resided

in Sandy Hook since 1977. The Greytaks are members of the Newtown United Methodist

Church where George was involved with the Methodist Men's Club and has served as an

usher and liturgist. In the community George has coached Soccer, Tee-Ball, and Youth

Softball. He was also involved with Little League Baseball, Pop Warner Football, and Youth

Lacrosse. He served as the Assistant Cub Master as well as the Youth Protection Official of

Cub Pack 370 for 4 years.


George's Masonic career began in May of 1987 when he petitioned Hiram Lodge No. 18

in Sandy Hook. He was Initiated on June 17, 1987, Passed on October 21, 1987, and Raised

to the Sublime Degree of M aster Mason on November 14, 1987. He served Hiram Lodge as

Worshipful Master in 1992, 1993, and again in 2000. He received the Master's Achievement

Award in both 1992 and 1993.


He has also completed the Masonic Leadership Course. In 1994 he was named as Hiram

Lodge's Mason of the Year. He holds memberships in Annawon Lodge No. 115 and Temple

Lodge No. 65.

He is an Honorary member of St Peter's Lodge No. 21, A.F.&A.M. and Tuscan Lodge

No.17 Prince Hall.

Seeking further Light in Masonry, George was exalted in Hiram Chapter No. 1, Royal

Arch Masons in 1988, and served as Most Excellent High Priest in 1995 and again from

2000 to 2004. He is a member of the Connecticut convention of Anointed High Priests. He

was greeted in Wooster Council No. 28, Royal and Select Masters in 1988, and Knighted

in Crusader Commandery No. 10, Knights Templar in 1998. He was created a Companion

Knight in Connecticut York Rite College No. 17.

He received the degrees of the Scottish Rite in the Valley of Bridgeport in 1993 and 32nd

Degree in Lafayette Consistory S.P.R.S. In 1999 he joined Pyramid Shrine A.A.O.N.M.S.

and fulfilled a 40 year dream to play with the Oriental Band.

George was instrumental in helping to form the George E. Johnson Chapter, Order of

DeMolay, and is the current chairman of the advisory council. He also serves as a Dad

Advisor for the Chapter.


He has served the Grand Lodge as Grand Representative to Bolivia since 1994, and

to the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Connecticut since 2003. He served on the Rules,

Regulations and Jurisprudence, Publicity and Public Relations, Prince Hall Relations

(Chairman), Wooster Memorial Service (Co-Chairman 3years), Monuments & Memorials

to Past Grand Masters (Chairman), Budget and Appropriations, Finance, and Long Range

Planning Committees. He has served as the Grand Lodge Officer Liaison to the Masonic

Community Stewardship, Grand Lodge Library, Grand Lodge Museum, Rules, Regulations

and Jurisprudence, and the Custodians of the Work Committees. George was also the Co-
Chairman for two Grand Master's golf tournaments.

In 1995 Most Worshipful Grand Master Samuel B. Walker appointed George to serve

as the Right Worshipful District Deputy for Masonic District 2B, and he was subsequently

reappointed the following year by Most Worshipful Grand Master Charles W. Yohe.

In 1997, upon the recommendation of the permanent members of the Second Masonic

District, Most Worshipful Brother William F. Carpenter appointed George to the Grand

Lodge Officer Line as the Right Worshipful Grand Junior Steward.

In his capacity as a Grand Lodge Officer, George has served on the Boards of Ashlar

Village, The Masonic Healthcare Center, Ashlar of Newtown, and The Masonic Charity

Foundation of Connecticut, and Masonicare. As Grand Master, George will serve on the

Executive Committee of Masonicare, and as President of the Connecticut Freemasons
