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ita | eng

Constitution of the R.G.L.I.

On the 17th April 1993 has been constituted in Rome,
according to the Italian laws on the associations, the
"Regular Grand Lodge of the Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Italy" or "Regular Grand Lodge of Italy"

Its headquarters are at:
Lungotevere dei Mellini, 17
00193 Rome

The Regular Grand Lodge of Italy is the only independent, undivided, responsible and sovereign authority over the whole territory of the Italian Republic for the Government of the Degrees of the Pure and Ancient Universal Freemasonry listed below:
First Degree - Entered Apprentice
Second Degree - Fellow Craft
Third Degree - Master Mason

including the "Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Ark"


The Regular Grand Lodge of Italy totally admits as its own deed of association the text of the five documents approved by the United Grand Lodge of England listed below:
  1. Ancient Charges and Regulations in fifteen articles
    to be read by the Secretary to the Master Elect prior to his Installation into the Chair of a Lodge
  2. Aims and Relationships of the Craft in eleven articles
  3. Basic Principles. Regularity in eight articles
  4. The Charges of a Freemason in six paragraphs
    to be read at the making of new Brethren or when the Master shall order it
  5. Statement about relationship between Freemasonry and Religion

On the 9th of December 1993, just after a few months from its constitution, the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy has been recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England. Read the Official Recognizing Document.