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Four crowned martyrs, 

The four crowned martyrs in art:
Short iconographic references

Antwerp: Royal Museum of Fine Arts, “The Four Crowned Martyrs”, Frans Francken The Younger, 1624.

Lille: Musee des Beaux-Arts, “The Four Martyrs”, Gaspar De Crayer, 1624.

Steyer (Germany): The Four Crowned Martyrs depicted on the gravestone for the architect Wolfgang Denk, 1513

Pavia: Church of San Pietro in Ciel d'oro, ark of St. Augustine, “The Four Crowned Martyrs." Sculpture by G. Balduccio (14th century).

Milan: Church dedicated to The Four Crowned Martyrs near the Cathedral, destroyed after 1605.

Milan: Cathedral, Castorius, pillar XXXII (1400 ca.); Simplicius, left chapiter, pillar XXV (1400); Symphorian tied to a tree (the outer side of the apse) (1600ca).

Venice: Doge's Palace, "The Four Crowned Saints", capital, Piazza San Marco (XIV c.)
St. Mark’s Basilica: mosaic by Luigi Gaetano on drawings by Domenico Tintoretto (1597-1599).
Church of St. Apollinaris: sculpture located above the plate of the "Scola di tagliapietra" (1652).

Siena: Cathedral, chapel dedicated to The Four Crowned Martyrs.
Paintings by Bartolo di Maestro Fredi: "Martyrdom of the Four Crowned Martyrs".

Arezzo: S. Francis, fresco of the Four Crowned Martyrs and the Enthroned Virgin (now you can see only the image of the Virgin).

Florence: Or San Michele, edicule reserved for master stone and wood cutters (Nanni di Banco).

Rome: National Gallery, "The Sculptor" (1500 ca.) Florentine hand.

Ravenna: Gallery of the Academy, "Martyrdom of the Four Crowned Saints" by Jacopo Ligozzi (1596).

Perugia: National Gallery, "The Four Crowned Saints" table by Giannicola di Paolo.

Cingoli (Fabriano): Church of St. Esuperanzio, "The Four Crowned Saints" fresco. (1400).

Fabriano: Church of St. Benedict, a painting with "The Four Crowned Martyrs in contemplation," Pasqualino Rossi, 1679.

Rome: Church of S. Maria in Cosmedin, fresco of the eighth century.

Rome: Church of the Four Crowned Martyrs, St. Sylvester’s chapel, fresco by Raffaellino da Reggio.

Rome: Church of the Four Crowned Martyrs, frescoes of the great tribune by Mannozzi called Giovanni da San Giovanni (1623).

The Four Crowned Martyrs reached a great figurative success abroad, while the presence of sacred images dedicated to them in Ticino was meager. The reason can be explained by the fact that their protection was invoked especially in the workplace, so far from their homeland.

Bissone: statues and paintings representing St. Carpophorus, in the church dedicated to him, a statue of St. Carpophorus, in the Oratory of San Rocco.

In Arzo, the Oratory of the Madonna del Ponte (XVII sec.) is dedicated to the Virgin of the Annunciation and the Four Crowned Martyrs. Inside the church there are four statues in stucco depicting St. Severian, St. Severus, St. Victorinus and St. Carpophorus, which, despite the vagueness of the names written at the base of the statues, they are the Four Crowned Martyrs. The reason for this presence can be found in the devotion of a sculptor, perhaps, back from his workplace he wanted to thank his patrons dedicating them the statues, but this time placing them in their homeland. (Michele Sottile)