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Welcome message of the Grand Secretary of the G.L.R.I.


The Regular Grand Lodge of Italy is pleased to welcome all the Brethren of the R.G.L.I., all the Brethren belonging to the Regular Masonic Bodies and all the visitors of our official website.

On this website Brethren can find information about the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy and its activities, its Lodges and their meeting days. In our website, the visitors can find information on Regular Freemasonry in Italy and abroad. This information will help you become familiar with the habits and customs of our institution.

The areas of the website are all of public access, in order to show our will of transparency. In the website it is possible to find references to the structure and the government of the Italian Freemasonry, as well as the aims and ideals characterizing the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy.

A wide picture of our Body can be given by the reading of the Constitutions of the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy.

We have given great space to our review De Hominis Dignitate, published by the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy and edited by our Grand Master Bro. Fabio Venzi; information about the events regarding our Institution is also available. Together with our Grand Master, Most Worshipful Bro. Fabio Venzi, I wish to all of you an interesting and pleasant path in the concrete, traditional and universal world of Freemasonry.