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Pico della Mirandola Lodge No. 33 of Esoteric and Alchemical Research

  Grand Master of R.G.L.I. Lodge
Esoteric and Alchemical Research Lodge

A Tradition of the Regular Grand Lodges

It is tradition of the Regular Freemasony that the Grand Master is in charge of his own Lodge.
The Lodge is on national basis and its effective members are exclusively Master Masons of the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy.

The Lodge is named Pico della Mirandola in honor of the great philosopher of Italian Humanism, for whom the Grand Master has a particular predilection.
In Pico's work "De Hominis Dignitate" the man and his capability to be free are exalted: it is the man who gives a sense to nature, unity to creation and correspondence to the end.
Freemasonry gives a method, Pico's philophy aims to be a further instrument for the realization of this unity.

The Lodge, through its research, offers a place for meeting and dialogue for the individual growth of each Brother and, during the meetings, the philosophical and cultural discussion is prominent.

The Lodge meets at the command of the Grand Master.