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Grand Chapter

  Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Italy

The Regular Grand Lodge of Italy accepted the Book of Constitutions and Regulations of the United Grand Lodge of England and constituted, since the first day of its establishment (17 April 1993), the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Italy.

The Order of Royal Arch Masons of Italy is regulated according to the Constitutions of the Regular Grand Lodge of the Antient, Free and Accepted Masons of Italy.
Every Master Mason, with at least four weeks of seniority in his degree, is encouraged to become a member of the Royal Arch, in order to complete his Masonic education because, as it is written in the Constitutions of the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy it is a completion of the degree of Master Mason.


The Grand Master of the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy is the First Grand Principal of The Royal Arch Order.