How does Regular Freemasonry operate in Belgium?

Regular Freemasonry practises a symbolic approach which takes the form of Lodge Meetings. This approach leads a man to work on himself in the first instance. The aim in fact is to better prepare him, through everything he does in his daily and family life, to then work towards the improvement of the world and of mankind. All this is carried out in total respect for the laws and regulations of civil society; and it is in this spirit that all discussions of a political or religious nature are strictly forbidden in the 55 Lodges of the R.G.L.B. in Belgium, since these topics divide more than bring men together. There are other times and places, just as entirely legitimate, for such activities.

The 55 Lodges (or “workshops”) making up the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium (R.G.L.B.) place a prime importance on Initiation and on the symbolic rituals carried out at their Meetings. Initiation is the essential function of the Lodges. It is the first stage that leads the non-Mason towards becoming part of a Lodge in order to work towards his spiritual enrichment and thus attain a certain wisdom in life. The prevailing spirit in Masonic Meetings is very much one of tolerance and brotherhood.

Besides this, the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium is actively engaged in a series of Charity initiatives both in Belgium and elsewhere. This is one of the invaluable ways in which Belgian Regular Freemasonry puts its ideal of peace, affection and brotherhood into effect.