The Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium.

Its Constitution sets out in unequivocal terms the universal principles of Regularity to which the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium has agreed to conform. Among other things it declares that:

1. Freemasonry affirms the existence of God, the Supreme Being whom it refers to as the Great Architect of the Universe. It requires all its members to acknowledge this affirmation. This requirement is absolute and admits of no compromise or restriction. Freemasonry does not define the Supreme Being and leaves its members entirely free to form their own opinion.

2. Freemasonry is an association for initiation, which, through its symbolic teaching, elevates man spiritually and morally and thereby contributes to the improvement of humanity by practising the ideals of peace and brotherly love.

3. All Masonic work is carried out “To the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe” and in the presence of the Three Great Lights of Freemasonry: the Volume of the Sacred Law under the Square and Compasses, upon which all Obligations must be taken.

This clearly and unmistakably shows the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium as strictly adhering to traditional Masonic ideals.

Essentially, it claims to be an initiatory and spiritual association, detached from the disputes that divide the outside world. This implies, in common with the world’s other Grand Lodges, an express reference to the Deity, the initiatory quest on the path of spirituality, the proscription of any political or religious discussions in Lodge and a ban on taking part in the activities of bodies purporting to be Masonic but which are not recognised by the Regular Grand Lodge since they do not fully keep to the basic principles. 

This is undoubtedly a strict approach, but one that is absolutely necessary in order to stay within the bounds of authentic tradition.

The very nature of their meetings, primarily concerned with initiation, means that Freemasons of the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium may not allow into their meetings as visitors any who do not accept the Landmarks of Regular Freemasonry. In fact, any such visitors would not be able to take part in this work and at the same time disassociate themselves from it by refuting its principles. By the same token, members of the Regular Grand Lodge may not attend so-called Masonic meetings of unrecognised bodies. This quite simply flows from the importance attached to the ‘Royal Art’: a Masonic meeting is not merely a gathering of friends and acquaintances, but an act of initiation.  This is easier to grasp if we never lose sight of the dividing line between the world of the Lodge when it is at work and the world outside. Every Mason has precious friends and those closest to him who are not Masons and in the same way can have affection and esteem for many who might belong to non-recognised orders; but however close they may be, such relationships have their own time and place elsewhere.

By tradition, Freemasonry only permits the initiation of men. This is in no way a form of misogynist feeling, but a strict respect for ancient custom reflecting the initiatory experience of antiquity, older than Freemasonry itself and taking account of the psychological tensions and issues of bodies which are both mixed and closed societies. There are in any case masonic organisations open to women, sometimes exclusively so and like other irregular organisations, they deserve consideration.

The Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium has 54 lodges (2012) across the country.

It is recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England, Mother Grand Lodge of Freemasonry and practically all Regular Grand Lodges worldwide.