Lodge Devotion Benevolence Activities

From Mike of Lodge Devotion
Our www.CollingwoodFreemasons.org.au web site is 95% complete and I encourage you all to have a look at it (and show your friends and family too). The idea is very simple indeed. We want to populate the web site with all our great positive messages and make this a “living record” of our benevolent activities in the community. In addition, we can demonstrate to the world the Collingwood Freemasons are “in town” and do real good works and not just talk about it !!!!!!! If you have any suggestions for improvement or items to include then please see me in the South after the meeting!!!!


Bro Mike and WBro Damien have volunteers to join the Social? (Benevolence!!!) Committee as they are both very keen to pursue Benevolent Activities in the local community. Should any other Brother wish to join our Committee and make a real difference in Freemason’s Benevolent Activities in the local community we would welcome them very much indeed and they can also catch up with me in the South.


The Lodge has passed a resolution to apply for $3000 matching funding from Grand Lodge. This is this is fantastic it will give us more time to more fully develop our charity founding sources. Since our last meeting I have been informed that the wait for the Bunnings and Masters Sausage Sizzles can be quite a while so any other fund raising suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Finally, we are in the last stages of finalising the benevolence agreement with Collingwood Secondary College and we currently anticipate that the twin awards will be presented to a deserving boy and girl in December and I plan to keep you updated on the progress of the project on an ongoing basis.
