The Role of Deacons in a Degree
From Damien of Devotion
We all know Deacons conduct the candidate during degree work.
They have specific words and actions to perform during the ceremony. I have no idea how many times I have seen the First Degree performed (and acted as a deacon during it) – but many !
As I watched our JD Bro Craig conduct our candidate last meeting, I saw Craig had a clear understanding of what he was on about, not just with words and movement –but also with a critical basic principle of being a good deacon during degree work – recognising a primary function is to be a teacher.
Craig spoke slowly and clearly – to the candidate. He was not just reciting the ritual, he was imparting the lessons the words carry as we have done for hundreds of years. Indeed, teaching a candidate well is more important than getting every minutia of the words right.
 If you are acting as a deacon, you must realise and remember that it is your job to teach. Firstly you must yourself be thoroughly prepared by committing your lines to memory. You should also have an understanding of the Degree and ensure you do your important bit in conveying the lessons you teach to a candidate, often in conjunction with other officers. Make sure you speak clearly and slowly. Watch the candidate for comprehension and like Past Masters imparting “secrets”, if necessary repeat yourself to make sure you leave the candidate with the best understanding possible of the lessons you are charged to teach. No one walks out of any degree ceremony with full comprehension of every detail they have experience, but by speaking slowly and clearly and watching for signs of the candidates understanding and confusion – you will be able to lay claim to making an important and lasting contribution on the birth and progression of your fellow Freemason.
Well done Bro Craig ! |